maandag 30 september 2013


by Jian, tcm, SiTU


was a global problem

from the beginning!

The Monoliths

De onbegrensde spanruimte van Hugo Raes (1929-2013)
De onbegrensde spanruimte van Hugo Raes (1929-2013) Afgelopen zaterdag werd auteur Hugo Raes te Wilrijk begraven. Lukas De Vos sprak er deze afscheidsrede uit.
Voortbestaan New York en Tokio bedreigd door klimaatverandering
Voortbestaan New York en Tokio bedreigd door klimaatverandering Wereldsteden als New York en Tokio worden in toenemende mate bedreigd door natuurrampen.
Reken uit hoeveel slaven er voor u werken
Reken uit hoeveel slaven er voor u werken Slavernij mag dan al zo'n 150 jaar afgeschaft zijn, toch zijn veel van de spullen die u dagelijks gebruikt met slavenarbeid gemaakt. Bereken hier hoeveel slaven u precies 'in dienst heeft'.
Oud Engels stoomschip komt stukje bij beetje boven water
Pieter Atsma
Vlieland | Het heeft wel iets van een grijpautomaat op de kermis. De kraanmachinist van de Sliedrechtse berger Van den Herik, die het bovenste deel van het oude wrak op moet ruimen, heeft alleen een 3D-kaart om de kraan aan te sturen op de bodem van de Noordzee. Na een week heeft hij toch de belangrijkste delen al boven kunnen krijgen.
,,Er is net een deel van de stoomketel boven water gekomen”, vertelt Kees Jonker van het bergingsbedrijf. ,,Dat is een van de belangrijkste onderdelen van het schip die we moeten ophalen. Maar we hebben ook al veel stukken van de boeg naar boven gehaald.”
Het wrak van het schip - waarschijnlijk van Engelse makelij - ligt in de vaargeul Zuider Stortemelk, vlak boven Vlieland. In de loop der jaren is het steeds hinderlijker komen te liggen voor de scheepsvaart. Om ongelukken te voorkomen wordt het wrak daarom geruimd tot een diepte van 11,5 meter. Dit betekent dat de bovenste 2,5 meter van het schip moet worden weggehaald.

Ontknoping in Nebraska in 'Brieven Boven Water'

In de vierde aflevering van 'Brieven Boven Water' de ontknoping van de speurtocht naar Gerrit Bakker, een 17-jarige jongen uit de 19e eeuw die ontroerende brieven naar huis schreef.
In deel één zagen we hoe de Loosdrechtse Erik in oude kerkarchieven in het plaatsje Holland, Nebraska, terechtkwam. Hij hoopte daar aanwijzingen te vinden omtrent het lot van zijn 19e eeuwse familielid. Vanavond de ontknoping waarbij Erik onverwachte ontmoetingen heeft en steeds dichterbij de waarheid komt. Welke familie vindt hij nog terug in Amerika? Zal hij nazaten van Gerrit Bakker vinden en zal hij antwoord krijgen op zijn belangrijkste vraag: waar is Gerrit Bakker gebleven?
Een heftige epidemie van Gele Koorts velt honderden Curaçaoënaars. De familie Evertsz ontspringt de dans maar valt toch ten prooi aan rampspoed. Engelse kanonskogels vellen de halfdronken bemanning van de Nederlandse vloot en bezorgen kapitein Evertsz de hoofdpijn van zijn leven. Als zijn neefje dan ook nog pijp rookt tussen dozen vol licht ontvlambaar buskruit krijgt de doodgraver het wel heel erg druk. Derk Bolt neemt nazaat Victor van Kampen mee naar Curaçao, op zoek naar sporen van dit onbekende familiedrama. En lukt het ze om het verdwenen graf te vinden van ‘Cornelis met het Halve Hoofd’?
SOMEthing to THINK about

In the excellent documentary

Genetically modified society (see blog)

the statement is made. That “everybody should become a farmer(in a natural and eco-friendly way).”. I agree, but also want to add a quote of Karl Marx, when he tried to describe the “natural lifestyle” of men.

He wrote in his early works, that mankind had to be a farmer in the morning, a fisherman in the afternoon and a “Critic” (“Kritischer Kritiker”) at the campfire in the evening.

Der kompletter Mensch” ,

(the complete human being m/f).

Jian, tcm, SiTU
Genetically Modified Society -- Full Movie (1080p HD) [Video]


He played the music as loud as he dared. It was a song of calling. Earlier generations were programmed by this, and other songs, and it appealed to the rebel in man. And that was exactly what he needed. He, master Jian, had been back on his homeplanet, for a couple of months now. He was shocked by what he saw. In 1989 he had left the mainstream of this society, to undertake a journey into the darkness and beyond. That's when he had discovered and met those alien forces. With some he became friends, but most were sworn ennemies. The latter wanted to see a return of their investments. Earth had untill now been a cosmic laboratory, combined with a place to dump the worst and darkest minds of the cuniverse. But the experiment had gotten out of hand. Inspired and helped by alien intelligence mankind was now ready to conquer the planetary system. Technically they could do it and some did. The latter vanished during the excperiment. But the ambition was still their and when the governments would stop spending money on war and military equipment, the step into space would be easy.
Social engineers of the Empire had infiltrated the world governments and institutions to continue the current level of world warfare and terror. But even here, the military had developed weaponry which could hurt the military forces of the Empire as well. Things threatened to get to the worst and finally the Empire had decided to strip Earth from his resources, after which it could be turned in to the private huntinggrounds of the Emperor and his clique.
Why was our venture to get into space that dangerous? Humans would discover, that they were living in a solar system which was completely artificial and constructed by alien entities, which presence and activity would be clearly visible. Even on the moon, which was in fact an abandoned warfortress.

zondag 29 september 2013

SiTU Panchen

Ancient Abductions

Beyond Nazca

RESEARCH module 1:

Genesis is the first book of the Bible, or so they say.

The composition of the Bible varies over the centuries. Constantine the Great stimulated an official Bible, who would be used all over the Empire. The bishops at Nicea provided one. These manuscripts are lost in history and it is not untill the 9th and 10th century, that Bile-manuscripts survived untill now.

The Bible I use, contains an Old Testament (39 books, 1119 pages) and a New Testament (27 books, 322 pages).

The Bible, we use, is the result of a process of elimination. Existing “spiritual manuscripts”, in use by the early Christians, were left out and sometimes banned as heretical.

The Death Sea-scrolls (found shortly after WW2), the Nag Hamadi-library and other finds delivered original manuscripts, scrolls and even unknown gospels, which still have to find a place in theology and history.

Do some research and make another list of “biblical books”.

Documentaries and information on this subject can be found on a parallel-blog: The Journey Within

Jian, tcm, SiTU

SOMEthing to THINK about

At the end of the Roman, French, Ottoman and German Empires

the public attention was focused on cooking and the “master-chefs” were the real society heroes.

Prophets and Prophecies

Secrets of the Tombs

The Einstein Factor

SOMEthing to think about

  • Wouldn't it be great if we actually found intelligent life on this planet?

zaterdag 28 september 2013


UN votes to eliminate Syria's chemical weapons: The UN Security Council has voted unanimously to secure and destroy Syria's chemical weapons stockpile, a landmark decision...

Indian gems found in Alps may be given to climber: An unnamed young French alpinist, who stumbled on a chest of Indian jewels while climbing a glacier in...

Footballer Lionel Messi in court for tax fraud case: Messi arrived by car shortly before 11:00 am (0900 GMT) and walked up to the entrance of the...

Typewriters log out PCs in anti-espionage operations: Spooked by threats of wire-tapping and snooping, Indian diplomatic staff have dusted out their typewriters.

Death toll in Mumbai building collapse rises to 53: The death toll in yesterday's four-storey building's collapse in Mumbai mounted to 53, with 18 more bodies being...

US offers ‘closest partner’ India top-end defence tech: Remember the ''we are just good friends'' refrain from Bollywood pairs who didn’t particularly want the world to...
Bizarre Supernatural Occurances Around The World (Full Documentary) [Video]Bizarre Supernatural Occurances around the World (Full Documentary)
Underwater Pyramid Discovered In Azores [Video]

What happened in 999 ad.:

The suspicious death of Pope Gregory V

He was a son of the Salian Otto I, Duke of Carinthia, who was a grandson of the Emperor Otto I the Great. Gregory V succeeded Pope John XV when only twenty-four years of age. He was the chaplain of his cousin Emperor Otto III, who presented him as candidate.

Gregory V was the first German Pope.[1] Sometimes Pope Boniface II (530–532) is considered the first German Pope, although he was in fact an Ostrogoth.

Pope Gregory V with Emperor Otto III. c. 1450

Politically, Gregory V acted consistently as the Emperor's representative in Rome and granted many exceptional privileges to monasteries within the Holy Roman Empire. One of his first acts was to crown Otto III Emperor on 21 May 996.[2] Together, they held a synod a few days after the coronation in which Arnulf, Archbishop of Reims, was ordered to be restored to his See of Reims, and Gerbert of Aurillac, the future Pope Silvester II, was condemned as an intruder. Robert II of France, who had been insisting on his right to appoint bishops, was ultimately forced to back down, and ultimately also to put aside his wife Bertha, by the rigorous enforcement of a sentence of excommunication on the kingdom.[3]

Until the conclusion of the council of Pavia in 997, Gregory V had a rival in the person of the antipope John XVI (997–998), whom Crescentius II and the nobles of Rome had chosen against the will of the youthful Emperor Otto III, Gregory's cousin. The revolt of Crescentius II was decisively suppressed by the Emperor, who marched upon Rome. John XVI fled, and Crescentius II shut himself up in the Castel Sant'Angelo. The Emperor's troops pursued the antipope, captured him, cut off his nose and ears, cut out his tongue, blinded him, and publicly degraded him before Otto III and Gregory V.[4] He was sent to the monastery of Fulda in Germany, where he lived until 1013. The Castel Sant'Angelo was besieged, and when it was taken in 998, Crescentius II was hanged upon its walls.

Gregory V died suddenly, not without suspicion of foul play, on 18 February 999. He is buried in St. Peter's Basilica near Pope Pelagius I. His successor was Gerbert, who took the name Silvester II.

Ancient Aliens Season 5 Episode 1 Secrets of the Pyramids

Red Ice Radio - Graham Hancock - Hour 1 - War God & Spanish Conquest of ...

vrijdag 27 september 2013

NSA luisterde Martin Luther King af
De Amerikaanse inlichtingendienst NSA heeft in het verleden prominente zwarte Amerikanen zoals Martin Luther King en Mohammed Ali bespioneerd. NSA luisterde Martin Luther King af
Snowball Earth describes a theory that for millions of years the Earth was entirely smothered in ice, stretching from the poles to the tropics. This freezing happened over 650 million years ago in the Pre-Cambrian, though it's now thought that there may have been more than one of these global glaciations. They varied in duration and extent but during a full-on snowball event, life could only cling on in ice-free refuges, or where sunlight managed to penetrate through the ice to allow photosynthesis.

History of Jerusalem HD: Reclaiming Zion | BBC Documentary


China to lease 3m ha of Ukraine farmland: Initially, 100,000 hectares will be leased to Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp (XPCC), a Chinese quasi-military organization, also...

Toll in devastating Pakistan quake touches 350: Official sources in Quetta, the capital of Balochistan, told that about 350 people were killed by the 7.7-magnitude...

Two Higgs boson scientists tipped for Nobel prize: Two scientists who predicted the existence of the Higgs boson - the mysterious particle that explains why elementary...

Only two towns in India meet clean air benchmark: Two towns in Kerala – Malappuram and Pathanamthitta – have met the clean air benchmark of the Central...

Militants kill 12 in J&K ahead of Manmohan-Sharif talks: Four terrorists, who carried out attacks in Jammu region, came from across the border on Thursday morning, home...

Our English isn't so great say Italians, Germans, French: Italians, Germans and the French are the most insecure in Europe about their levels of English, with Swedes...

Pakistan gets three new islands following earthquake: Pakistan has just got three brand new islands — thanks to a major earthquake.

UN body's report on climate change to be released today: The much awaited summary report of the United Nation’s body on climate change will be released in Stockholm...

Cuba 2012 (BBC Documentary)

donderdag 26 september 2013

32,000 Year Old Alien City Found In India [Video] [Video]32,000 Year Old Alien City Found In India [Video]
Human Specie Is Hundreds Of Millions Of Years OldHuman Specie is Hundreds of Millions of Years Old

  • Door Master Klaas (SiTU)

  • Het grootste containerschip kan 745 miljoen bananen in 15.000 containers vervoeren. Daarmee kan heel Europa en Noord-Amerika worden gevoed.


He called himself an etno-antropologist, specialized in studying small etnic groups, who had managed to survive and preserve the traditional culture-patterns.

He had travelled the world and became quite famous with his articles, documentaries and t.v.-appearences. This expedition had been a success. His guide Moba had lead him to a mountainrange in northern Mali, where he had witnessed impressing ceremonies, where stelted Gods prohesied the future in a crazy dance.

As in many African tribes masks played an important role in the three-day festival. There were two groups of masks. The “tolerant and empathic” ones and masks representing darkness, horror and evil. The struggle between the two opposing forces would be decided, which group would win and dominate the future cycles.

It was tradition that the good Gods won. In the final confrontation the dark spirits were bound and chained to the masks. You could feel the burning evil, when the dark side, was carried off into the darkness and the triumphant masks danced till first light.

Moba”, he cried out loud, “Moba!” His guide stuck his face out of the hut. “Moba, I have one last question about the closing ceremony. What happens to the evil masks, are they burned?” Moba nodded, “I will ask the chief. He is inside.”

A minute later Moba reappeared, a big smile on his face.

The chief says, that they are being sold to tourists!”

woensdag 25 september 2013

SiTU SELECTIE: uit de Nederlandse kranten.

Elk kind moet vuurwerkbril op - BINNENLAND - PAROOL

68ste Algemene Vergadering VN begint - BUITENLAND - PAROOL

„China staat Facebook en Twitter deels toe” - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad

Tientallen dolfijnen aangespoeld in Brazilië - Nederlands Dagblad

Clintons geschokt door dood Nederlandse in Kenia - Nederlands Dagblad

DSW verlaagt jaarpremie naar 1140 euro – Metro

Nederlandse moslims niet naar Mekka door crisis - BUITENLAND - PAROOL

NS eist honderden miljoenen van moederbedrijf Fyra - Nederlands Dagblad

Banken nalatig bij verkoop derivaten aan mkb - Economie - Reformatorisch Dagblad

Zeven kilometer eettafels tegen de eenzaamheid - BINNENLAND - PAROOL

Noodklok om angstcultuur binnen politiekorps - Nederlands Dagblad

Ploumen: actie tegen kindhuwelijken – Metro
Rohani: Holocaust een verwerpelijke misdaad – Metro

Animal Sapiens (full documentary)

The Gold Of The Ancien Aliens:Collection Father Crespi-And Ica Stones.Cueva De Los Tayos [Video]

dinsdag 24 september 2013


Don't treat gun violence as routine tragedy: Obama: President Barack Obama made an impassioned plea on Sunday for Americans to overcome their "creeping resignation" about gun...

Over 1,000 dengue cases in Delhi in 3 weeks: More than 1,000 dengue cases were reported in the past three weeks, underlining the alarming spread of the...

INDIA: 62% of petrol used by two-wheelers, 27% by cars: The govt touted petrol as rich man’s fuel to stop subsidy. But a latest survey shows 62% of...

UN climate experts stress solidity of new report: The landmark report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is expected to state with more confidence than...

Heads roll after Angela Merkel allies' poll fiasco: The FDP -- which had spent more time in governments, always as a junior partner, than any other...

Earthquake kills 80 people in southwest Pakistan: The death toll may increase as officials fear more people could be buried under the rubble of collapsed...

Scientists discover 'black holes' at sea: Some of the largest ocean eddies on Earth are mathematically equivalent to the mysterious black holes of space,...

Meet BlackBerry buyer, India-born Prem Watsa: Like billionaire Warren Buffett, Watsa preaches a long view that suggests it may be too early to assess...

SOMEthing to think about

Jian, tcm, SiTU

Hanlon (USA) is the location of one of oldest and largest dumping grounds for nuclear waste.

In the early years contaminated material was simply buried, later on underground facilities were build and, above ground, tanks for fluids and other waste.

Recently research showed, that radio-active substances had leaked into the earth and reached under ground waterlevels.

Authorities present the problem as local and under control (like Tepco does about Fukusjima). They completely ignore, that the leaking started in the 60ties and that underground water flows like a river and is connected to surface-water. The pollution started half a century ago and will eventually spread around the world.

Sacred Spirit of Water

Water is a living organism, water is sacred, water is life, water is worth defending and protecting for those yet unborn. Rivers and lakes in Alberta don’t stop at provincial borders. These rivers and lakes flow throughout Canada and the United States, therefore everyone will be affected by the ominous bills which have become law.
This means the previous 2.5 million lakes and rivers that were protected have been diminished to only 62 protected rivers and 97 lakes. If you enjoy the benefits of the Canadian outdoors, camping, canoeing, boating, fishing, for that matter clean drinking water, you need to ask yourself how will you be impacted by the sale of your water resources?

Forbidden Science - Shattering the Myths of Darwin's Theory of Evolution

Journalist and Researcher Richard Milton presents a case that what we have been taught about Darwin's theory of evolution is totally wrong and that this most fundamental belief with respect to human origins should be completely re-evaluated by main stream scientific and academic institutions.


Door Master Klaas (SiTU)

Als gevolg van een verloren oorlog met Engeland, moesten de Nederlanden hun handelspost in Noord-Amerika, Nieuw-Amsterdam, afstaan. De nieuwe bezitters herdoopten het in “New York”.

Toch heeft de Nederlandse aanwezigheid haar sporen achtergelaten. “Brooklyn” is een verbastering van “Breukelen” en verwijst “Flushing Meadows” naar Vlissingen. New York kent nog een “Walstraat', “Amsterdamse” straat en een “Nassaustraat”. De dollar is afgeleid van de Nederlandse daalder.

New York kent ook een beroemde baseball-club: ” de Yankees”. Hier ook weer Nederlandse “roots”. Niet-Nederlandse inwoners raakten in de war van de namen van de Nederlanders. In hun oren heetten ze allemaal “Jan” of “Kees”, wat hen de bijnaam “Yankees” opleverde. De Nederlanders vertrokken, de bijnaam bleef hangen.
Hoe Britse wetenschappers Churchill WO II mee hielpen winnen
Taylor Downing vertelt in 'Churchills oorlogsmachine' hoe de hulp  wetenschappelijke experts Churchill mee de oorlog deed winnen. Hoe Britse wetenschappers Churchill WO II mee hielpen winnen

maandag 23 september 2013

UFOTV® Presents - Ancient Aliens - Ice Age Civilizations and Atlantis - ...

Scientists are now discovering at the bottom of the earth's oceans evidence of ancient advanced cultures that pre-date the last ice age. Discover the hidden secrets of a timeless mystery in this fascinating film about ancient advanced civilizations that existed thousands of years ago. Many new and amazing theories are now emerging about the origins of human civilization and Atlantis.
Het pact tussen Hollywood en de nazi's
Het pact tussen Hollywood en de nazi's Filmhistoricus Ben Urwand brengt met zijn omstreden studie een vergeten hoofdstuk uit de Amerikaanse filmgeschiedenis voor het voetlicht.
Eerste Amerikaanse anti-Hitlerfilm weer terug - Buitenland - Reformatorisch Dagblad


Een volgeling loopt

achter de feiten aan.

dM, SiTU

zondag 22 september 2013


SOMEthing to think about

Improve your skills, knowledge and capabilities.

These are the best tools

to survive the coming economic/financial collapse.

dM, SiTU
What happened in 699 ad.

Map of the Muslim world. Hanafi (grass green) is the Sunni school predominant in Turkey, the Northern Middle East, many parts of Egypt, Central Asia and most of the Indian subcontinent
Abu Hanifa is regarded as one of the greatest jurists of Arab civilization and one of the major legal philosophers of the entire human community.[15] He attained a very high status in the various fields of sacred knowledge and because of his brilliant intellect influenced the development of Muslim theology.[16]
During his lifetime, he was acknowledged as a jurist of the highest calibre.[17]
The honorific title "al-Imam al-A'zam" or the greatest leader, granted to him[18] both in communities where his legal theory is followed and elsewhere, attests to the amount of respect he has been accorded. According to some, Abu Hanifa’s followers make up more than 1/3 of the world’s Muslim population.[19] Others hold the true figure to be over 1/2 of the Muslim population.[20]
Despite, the overall positive views held regarding Abu Hanifa, he also had some critics. The Zahiri scholar Ibn Hazm refers to Sufyan ibn `Uyaynah, who is reported to have said that “the affairs of men were in harmony until they were changed by Abù Hanìfa in Kùfa, al-Batti in Basra and Màlik in Medina”.[21] Early Muslim jurist Hammad ibn Salamah once related a story about a highway robber who posed as an old man to hide his identity, remarking that were the robber still alive he would have been a follower of Abu Hanifa.[22]
Outside of his scholarly achievements Abu Hanifa was recognised as a man of the highest personal qualities: learned, a performer of good works, remarkable for his self-denial, humble sprit, devotion and pious awe of God.[23]
His tomb, surmounted by a dome erected by admirers in 1066 is still a shrine for pilgrims.[24]


Walking is healthier than running.

dM, SiTU
Moebarak: 'Ik vuurde eerste schot Jom Kipoeroorlog af'
Moebarak: 'Ik vuurde eerste schot Jom Kipoeroorlog af' Voormalig Egyptisch president Hosni Moebarak beweert dat hij persoonlijk de eerste schoten loste tijdens de Jom Kipoeroorlog tegen Israël in 1973.

Life after Guantanamo

Never charged with the crime, Mohammed Odani spent almost nine years in prison. He is the last detainee from Guantanamo Bay Prison to have returned home to live in Yemen.
In this episode, Fault Lines travelled to Yemen to ask what the consequences of America’s policy of indefinite detention have been and to find out what life is like there, after Guantanamo.
Mohammed was studying in Pakistan when the aftershocks of September 11th began reverberating around the world. One night in the spring of 2002, he was visiting a student house when Pakistani authorities raided it.
He was arrested, along with more than a dozen others. Two months later, the Pakistanis turned Mohammed over to American forces.

Korubo: A Fight to the End

The last white men these Amazon hunters killed were three loggers on the Quixito River. The Korubo go out from time to time to collect some of the enemy’s souls, to honor their dead and revenge them. Their hunting party begins on a low heat. A vegetable resin is the aromatic fuel for the hunting session to come. The weapon which defines them as a people, the club, is set aside for the moment. They sit on top of it, relaxed, before the cameras. The smoke, is the fragrant curtain of this centuries-old theater.

Class War

The US military with its vast complex web of branches, agencies and bureaucracies is, in socio-political terms, a metastasized cancer run rampant in the American body of politics, and the Americans are dying of it. Not surprising, the core purpose of armies is to kill people. Every country that has ever had one claimed it was for defense but all history proves their function has never varied – to kill people and appropriate their wealth.

zaterdag 21 september 2013



Meanwhile in the motherchip the commander and his staff gathered for a final meeting. Countdown for Operation Harvest had begun. While everybody waited until the commander had occupied his chair, every entity present in the room checked their latest data.

Commander Orlov, was a wellrespected captain in the Imperial Fleet. Though he was not the right man for the job, Central Comand had put him in charge. He knew that he could only proof himself or fail. The Handbook for Alien Contact would be his guideline. In the end it would all be simple. The planet Earth had to be harvested. It meant that the whole planet, including its inhabitants, should be stripped for use elsewhere in the Empire. When this was done, the remnants would be left to the Aliens and adventurers, who wouild turn it into a place never to be heard from again and removed of the Galactic Map. Though he looked human, Orlov had no geneticval connection what-so-ever with the human inhabitants of this planet. He didn't care at all for his look-a-likes. Just the Imperial Timeline would be his guide. It meant that about 2014 the covert operations could be started, finishing the job in 2021.

He had carefully chosen his officers, which had resulted in a diverse crew, resulting in minimal personal contact. That was the way he liked, that was the way to run a ship.

Hackers target iPhone 5S fingerprint scanner

Singapore Airlines, Tatas to float $100m airline: The Tatas and Singapore Airlines (SIA) are taking to the skies with a new joint venture after two...

Pope Francis warns church's moral edifice might 'fall like a house of cards'

2 women involved in biggest gold haul at Indian airport: In the biggest gold haul at an Indian airport, 20 gold bars valued at Rs 5.8 crore were...

Earth to stay habitable for another 1.75 billion years

BlackBerry warns of huge loss, plans to slash jobs: BlackBerry said it expects to report a net operating loss of about $950 million to $995 million for...

No life on Mars? Curiosity unable to detect methane: Hopes of finding alien life on Mars may have been dashed after new data from Nasa's Curiosity rover...

Tunisian women travel to Syria to wage 'sex jihad': Tunisian women have travelled to Syria to wage "sex jihad" by comforting Islamist fighters battling the regime there,...
stoomschepen het verhaal van de scheepvaart
Op vrijdag 20 september stroomt het Kattendijkdok vol met stoomschepen zoals de sleepboot Dockyard V en de Hydrograaf maar ook de zeilende Kogge, de barkentijn- hotelschip de Marjorie, de mooiste varende erfgoedstukken zoals de Vrouwe Nele, de Rupel maar ook de Ziet op U Zelven, zeilende vrachtschepen of oude visserschepen, de rond- en platbodems van weleer. Dus tjalken, klippers, aken, hoogaarzen, hengsten en veel meer.
Kortom: de grootste verzameling van authentieke schepen die de geschiedenis van de haven van Antwerpen vertellen en nog steeds in de vaart zijn. Deze vloot telt vijf en tachtig eenheden tussen de 65 meter en 6,5 meter lengte. [Omgeving Badboot - Mexicobrug]

De schepen zijn te bezichtigen op zaterdag en zondag en je kunt er ook op meevaren.
Dat de geschiedenis ook toekomst heeft merkt het publiek als ze aan boord van van de havendienstschepen zoals de Sinoor baggerboot, de Condor opruimboot, de peilboot en een sleepboot van de 80 reeks gaan rondkijken. Op het binnenschip Merdok maak je kennis met de opleiding tot professionele bemanning. En ernaast ligt een gloednieuw binnenvrachtschip te blinken waarvan de deuren openstaan. Het interieur doet niet onder aan een luxe appartement, maar hier schuift de wal aan je voorbij als je er in leeft. De brug lijkt een echt ruimteschip met vooruitstrevende apparatuur. [Omgeving Londenbrug - Amsterdamstraat]
Ontdek de verborgen zeeman in je
Diverse schepen voeren de bezoekers van de noord- naar de zuidkant van het Kattendijkdok. Beperkte groepen zullen het Koggelabo kunnen bezoeken, waar wetenschappers de restanten van de Doelse kogge onderzoeken. Dat is een authentiek wrak uit de middeleeuwen dat 2000 in de bouwput van het Deurgangdok werd blootgelegd. Ook de loodsdeuren van de MAS collectie havenwerktuigen en ander dokwerkersmateriaal gaan dit weekend uitzonderlijk open. Er zijn vertellingen over de scheepvaart, de zeescouts demonstreren roei- en zeiltechnieken en er zijn vijf en dertig watererfgoedorganisaties die je wegwijs maken in de wereld van scheepvaart en pleziervaart.

Water-rAnt is open op zaterdag 21 en zondag 22 september aan zowel de oost- als de westkaai van het Kattendijkdok, eilandje Antwerpen. Toegang is gratis. In totaal nemen er negentig schepen aan deel. De bezoekers kunnen langs één kilometer aan kaaien de mooiste schepen aangemeerd zien en op vele gaan rondkijken.
The Mystery Of The Rosetta Stone [Video]
 The Mystery of the  Rosetta Stone
The Mystery Of The Jade Discs [Video]

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Blood Brothers Communism & Zionism [Video]
Blood Brothers Communism & Zionism