zondag 25 november 2012

Animal X Natural Mystery Unit: Monster or Murderer

Almost 250 years ago, a frightening creature lurking at the foot of the French Alps is said to have killed more than 300 people. The creature has become known as the Beast of Gevaudan.



zaterdag 24 november 2012

Uden War Cemetery
Uit Wikipedia, de vrije encyclopedie
Uden War Cemetery
Uden War Cemetery is een Brits ereveld gelegen aan de Burgermeester Buskensstraat in Uden. Er liggen 702 slachtoffers uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Zij zijn allen afkomstig uit landen van het Gemenebest, met uitzondering van twee Polen. Van twee doden is de identiteit onbekend.
De doden zijn deels afkomstig uit de Rooms-katholieke begraafplaats en de aangrenzende tuin van de plaatselijke pastoor; ruim 100 graven werden daarvandaan verplaatst.
Op de begraafplaats staat een herdenkingskruis (Cross of Sacrifice) naar ontwerp van Sir Reginald Blomfield. Het is uitgevoerd in natuursteen, en er is een bronzen zwaard op aangebracht.
De Commonwealth War Graves Commission is verantwoordelijk voor de begraafplaats.
Er is een register en een gastenboek aanwezig.

vrijdag 23 november 2012

Something Big Is Going On At Egypt's Giza Plateau

Something Big Is Going On At Egypt's Giza Plateau
Paus: "Jezus is jaren vroeger geboren"
paus jezus is jaren vroeger geboren
Benedictus XVI heeft het derde deel van zijn biografie over Jezus van Nazareth klaar. "In geen enkel evangelie wordt er gerept over een os, een ezel, schapen of kamelen. Dat is waarschijnlijk een Hebreeuwse mythe uit de zevende eeuw", schrijft de paus. "En dat herders de geboorte van Jezus vernamen via engelengezang, is ook een fabel. Het christendom heeft altijd gedacht dat engelen alleen maar zingen, maar in werkelijkheid hebben ze de boodschap gewoon verteld."
In een adem worden ook de drie koningen in twijfel getrokken. "Die figuren zijn ontsproten aan het theologische idee dat mensen vanuit alle hoeken kwamen om de nieuwgeboren koning te eren. Als symbool dat de hele wereld hem eendrachtig verwelkomde."
Wat Benedictus wel zeker weet is dat Maria nog maagd was toen ze haar kind op de wereld zette. De onbevlekte ontvangenis is het werk van de heilige geest.
Misschien nog belangrijker is dat Benedictus XVI vermoedt dat Jezus vroeger geboren is dan algemeen wordt aangenomen, namelijk in de jaren 7 tot 2 voor Christus. Dat betekent dat onze kalender gebaseerd is op een vergissing. De monnik Dionysius Exiguus zou een verkeerde interpretatie gemaakt hebben in de zesde eeuw na Christus.
Benedictus begon als kardinaal al aan de trilogie over het leven van Jezus. De eerste twee delen werden bestsellers in Italië. Het derde deel komt in vijf talen uit. Voor een Nederlandstalige versie is het wachten tot 12 december.

maandag 12 november 2012

In ancient Palestine, a rebel of super-human strength disrupted the peace of the land during a time of uneasy truce between Israelites and Philistines. Discover the story of Samson and his betrayal at the hands of Delilah.


Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Ancient Iraq)


The Odyssey of Troy

This episode takes viewers on an archaeological expedition to modern-day Turkey and the site of the legendary fallen city of Troy. Scholars examine evidence and discuss their recent discoveries about the Trojan War, shedding new light on the legends of the Trojan Horse, Achilles, the abduction of Helen of Troy, and on the renowned Greek poet Homer, who told the story of Troy in his celebrated work the Iliad.

More than 20 years after accompanying Christopher Columbus on his

Quest For The Fountain of Youth

Leonardo da Vinci is considered by many to be one of the greatest artists who ever lived. Yet his reputation rests on only a handful of pictures - including the world's most famous painting, the Mona Lisa.

Da Vinci - The Lost Treasure

Ancient Mysteries: The Quest for the Holy Lance


zaterdag 10 november 2012


The first time I regognized a pattern in the landscape, happened in Wiltshire (England). Somebody showed me the fact, that a straight line could be drawn, starting at Salisbury Cathedral, passing Old Sarum (a Norman-ford) and then crossing the neo-lithic monuments of Stonehenge and beyond. That's how far my map went, but this “leyline”could be traced across the English country-side.

Nowadays you can trace these leylines by connecting the churches. Most of the time they were build on ancient sites, of religious, pagan character. Often, Christian missionairies cut down holy oaks, to proof, the pagan Gods didn't interfere and started building a (wooden) church on this “unholy” ground.

But what if you draw a line from Easter Island to Gizeh and back to Easter Island again. It will shock you, how many important ancient sites are connected in this way.

Starting at Easter Island, the most isolated ancient, archeological site, we pass Nazca, Ollantay Tambo, Machu Pichu, Guzco, Mali (the Dogon Lands; a tribe which knew the Sirius-constellation long before it was officially discovered; Tassili N'jaher (the famous cave-paintings of space-visitors), Siwa (the Amon-oracle, that was visited by Alexander the Great); Petra, the famous “hidden city” and mentioned in the Bible as a place where giants dwelled; Ur, one of the first cities in Mesopatamia; Persepolis, the core of Persian art and religion (burnt down by Alexander's troops),

Mohendje Daro in Pakistan, where writings are unearthed that resemble those of Easter Island, next, 3 places where the Gods reside: Khajuraho (India), Pyay (Birma) and Sukothai (Thailand). The last monument we meet on our trip around the world, is the famous templecomplex of Aqngkor Wat in Cambodia.

Do you think, that this is all a coincidence? I don't. Even though the monuments date from different periods, they were all built on the remains and ruins of older cultures. It gives our idea of global connections deeper meaning and it stretches the human history back to the Ice Age and possibly beyond.

vrijdag 9 november 2012


Zero Point is a three part series consisting of excerpts from freely available information found online.
Zero Point uncovers the messages expressed through ancient monuments worldwide, examines various maps, monuments and artifacts which seem to reveal great secrets about the nature of time, our past and our future.
The film also discusses the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio throughout the natural world and in the ancient megaliths are fundamental clues in uncovering the true nature of reality.
Messages from the Past features Graham Hancock, David Wilcock, Terrence McKenna and more, the film focuses on a hidden episode in human history, unlocking the secrets of the Precession of the Equnioxes and its significance.
The Structure of Infinity takes a more focused look at the fractal nature of the Universe. Through examination of The Mandelbrot set and Fractal Geometry, Zero Point : Volume II takes us on a journey through the Fractal Universe culminating in a paradigm shifting view on the nature of reality itself.
The Legacy of the Ark, the final part of the Zero Point Trilogy, concludes by examining the secrets of the Ark of the Covenant. What was the Ark? What was its Purpose? and How did it work?

woensdag 7 november 2012


Under the Icecrust of Antarctica, under a thick ice-crust, sweet-water lakes are found, well over 10*C. Warm. This has effect on the glaciers. They are gliding towards the sea. Under extreme sterile conditions, Russian scientists are trying to get some of that water to the surface (Lake Vostok). Maybe there is life? Anyway, this is “ancient” water and it contains information about the climate conditions, when these lakes were formed and subsequently froze over.

Antarctica used to be an island, with a mediocre climate. Fossilized trees and even palmleaves have been found. This situation suddenly changed. This happened all quite suddenly and whole woods were frozen in a short period.

The same happened in Siberia. In the taiga, the arctic part of Russia, time after time carcasses of woolly mammoths are found.

The beasts are very well preserved and it is told, that the Russian explorers fed the mammoth-meat to their dogs. Some of the finds ended up in a museum. Here the stomach-contents of these extinct elephants were researched. Plants and flowers were discovered, sometimes still in their mouth, that grew in a nicely warm climate and that the catastrophic climate change happened and in very short period of time.

Like in Antarctica

the climate-conditions changed over night.The mammoths (and other wildlife, maybe humans) almost instantly froze to death.

How come? Some speculated that solar flairs caused the extinction and changed earth's climate dramatically. Was this the result of a polar shift? The findings needed a theory and it was a scholar called Hapgood, that delivered a possible answer.

It was accepted theory, first proposed by Wegener, that differnt earth-masses drifted on the earth's core, which was liquid (molten iron). Because of the spinning of the earth and sea-currents these different “plates” push against each-other. At these places earthquakes happen regularly and you find most of our volcanoes on these “vaultlines”. These are potentially danger zones. (f.i. The Ring of Fire, around the Pacific).

Hapgood suggested that big landmasses suddenly could be put into motion. He called it “Earthcrust displacement”. Whole area could slide into another climatic zone. Albert Einstein supported Hapgood, but if this displacement happened, the way Hapgood suggest is uncertain. What causes earthcrust displacement on a giant scale, we don't know (an asteroid impact or the collision with a renegade planet). But despite the uncertainties, Hapgood's theory is added to the list of doomsday scenarios, which are prophesied for the nearby future.

dinsdag 6 november 2012


In 1514 the Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis made a map of the world. He wrote, on the document, that this map was a compilation of about 20 older maps. Some suggested, that these maps dated from the time of Alexander the Great, or even before that period. What makes this map extra special, is the fact, that it shows South-America (the West) in detail, even though this coasts were not yet discovered or mapped. Also Antarctica is represented, but as a landmass, something our scientists discovered in the second half of the 20th century. Modern cartographers studied the map (and others) and concluded, that by designing the map, the Gizeh-plateau was taken as the centre of projection.

In a recently discovered tunnel-system in Equador, excavators found more than 300 artifacts. One of them was a oval bassalt stone, with a small, white granite band, around it. After closer inspection, the archeologists concluded, that it was a map of the world! A kind of sketch, that also depicting an island in the Atlantic Ocean, now gone. Proof for the existance of Atlantis? Europa, the Mediterranean, Asia and Africa can easily be recognized. You may say that the carvings are vague and maybe natural. Definitely no. On two spots the granite is carved out and shining eyes are placed there. One in Ecuador and one on the Gizeh-plateau.

For thousands of years the 3 pyramids (and many other structures) and the famous Sphinx have resisted the sandstorms and the burning sun. Though partially stripped, they still show the architectual mastery of the ancient Egyptians. But there is more.

The pyramids form a star-constellation on earth (Orion), the Great Pyramid is perfectly aligned (North-South, East-West) and its location is exactly in the middle of (European, Asian and African landmasses) our planet. A remarcable location, a center of ley-lines and the earth-grid, but not for a funeral. The Great pyramid supposedly contains a sarcophagus of pharao Chufru (Cheops). But there is no lid and no inscriptions, not on the sarcophacus, nor on the walls. The King's chambre was never used for a burial. Maybe the pyramids were used for regulating the air-traffic (spiritual) and guiding the explorers on the 7 seas.


zaterdag 3 november 2012

Kritiek op omgang met troostmeisjes

AMSTERDAM - Nederland heft flinke kritiek op de manier waarop Japan omgaat met het troostmeisjesverleden. Dat bleek vrijdag in de VN-Mensenrechtenraad.
Foto: EPA

Dat meldt Trouw.
Japanse soldaten verkrachtten tijden de Tweede Wereldoorlog vrouwen in bezette landen, waaronder Nederlands Indië. De vrouwen, die werden gedwongen tot seksslavernij, werden eufemistisch troostmeisjes genoemd. Verschillende organisaties uit China, Nederland en Zuid-Korea komen op voor de belangen van deze vrouwen.
De kritiek van vrijdag werd gebaseerd op een rapport van het Women's Active Museum on War and Peace. Daaruit blijkt dat dit onderdeel van het Japanse verleden is geschrapt uit de jongste editie van schoolboeken.

Nova. The Bible's Buried Secrets.


Jericho Unearthed


vrijdag 2 november 2012

'USS Liberty Cover-up, Operation Cyanide' [PressTV 8-June-12] [Video]

'USS Liberty Cover-up, Operation Cyanide' [PressTV 8-June-12] [Video]


Nooit eerder vertoonde beelden van koningshuis teruggevonden
nooit eerder vertoonde beelden van koningshuis teruggevonden
01/11Binnenland Op filmspoelen die een Royalty-journalist terugvond in het Leopold III-fonds voor Natuurexploratie, staan ook unieke, nooit eerder vertoonde beelden van het Belgische koningshuis. Dat meldt VTM donderdag in een persbericht. Het gaat om "home movies" van de familie, maar evengoed om beelden van "historisch-wetenschappelijk belang".Op de home movies is onder meer Leopold III te zien die zijn jongste zoon Alexander de papfles geeft, en prinses Lilian op wandeling in het park van Laken met de kinderen Josephine-Charlotte, Boudewijn en Albert. Op de oudste beelden, uit 1931, is de toekomstige koningin Astrid te zien, tijdens een reis op de rug van een olifant.
Het Leopold III-fonds bevat "het indrukwekkende wetenschappelijke erfgoed dat na de dood van Leopold III en prinses Lilian werd overgebracht uit het kasteel van Argenteuil. Ook zijn persoonlijke filmcollectie kwam er zo in terecht. "De vorst maakte niet enkel foto's tijdens zijn expedities, hij legde ook bewegend beeld vast. Van sommige reizen is meer dan een kilometer film gedraaid, in kleur nog wel."

"Verfrissende kijk"

Specialisten hebben de film omgezet naar een modern formaat, "waarbij tot nu toe onzichtbare details in het beeld naar boven werden gehaald".
De beelden van de koninklijke familie bieden "een verfrissende kijk op de persoonlijke leefwereld van Leopold III en prinses Lilian. Mét en zonder protocol. Het ene ogenblik zie je prinses Lilian galant uitgedost op een officiële ontvangst, even later zie je haar ongegeneerd in een bikinitopje smullen van een ananas, Leopold nippend aan een biertje uit de fles."