woensdag 9 april 2014

When you ask people to name “ European butchers” of the last century, Joseph Stalin (1879-1953) and Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) will surely be named. When you ask: “Which one of two was the biggest mass-murderer of the two?” People will say: “Adolf Hitler, of course”.
Well, that depends. Communist ideology and Nazi-doctrine have much in common. Both feel superior to the rest of the world and claim a right to world domination. Preparing for the world of the proletariat. Stalin militarized his industrial capacity, just like the Nazi's did. He destroyed the traditional agricultural system, by creating big farms. This did not only lead to starvation but the opposition was shot or deported. He did the same with “non-Russians”, who were terrorized and deported to end up in “goelags”, where they perished. Until the start of the “Great War” of 1941, forty million people disappeared. Never to be heard of again
The way to power for Joseph Stalin is slippery with blood. Especially after coming to power, he created a mighty secret Police (NKVD). People were stimulated to spy upon each other to find enemies of the State. Being an enemy of the state was enough to get shot. Police-squads worked with quota and nobody's live was save. Stalin got rid of every opponent or potential danger. He carefully monitored the hole process. “The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of a million a statistic.” He invented “The War on Terror” and every potential enemy of the state was put into concentration camps and worked to death. Sounds all familiar, doesn't it?
Stalin had a lot more time, than Adolf Hitler and a bigger Empire. In the end Russian resources and fighting power drove Hitler's army back towards Berlin.
But before 1941 Stalin and Hitler were best friends. They signed a non aggression treaty and the Red Army invaded East-Poland. France and England threatened Stalin with war, but they never took action. It gave Stalin the possibility to kill 20.000 teachers, priests and civil servants, to prepare the area for a communist paradise in the future.
Nobody dared to touch Joseph Stalin, when laid dead on the floor. His entourage were still afraid of the dictator, responsible for at least 30 million dead.

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