woensdag 21 mei 2014


In the beginning God created Adam and Lilith.

But they were not compatible. Adam was atypical male, who dominated his wife. Like is still usual, all over the world. Their short life together ended, when Adam would let Llilith on top during sexual intercourse. In this struggle for dominance Lilith spoke the secret name and disappeared into thin air, leaving Adam stunned behind. Lilith became part of another cycle, another consciousness and dimension. During the following period Lilith was turned into an evil identity, which even stole babies. She caused trouble and accidents, in which young males played a central part. New Age witches played Lilith in the centre, proclaiming her to be the true female identity. And they are right of course. Not that it matters much. Witches too are pushed into the margin of official life and identified with sexual rituals, bloodsacrifice and dancing naked around a campfire. But her power is still felt and only a few dare to manipulate her potent powers.

Adam wanted a new wife and he got the latest prot-type, Eve. She recveived male-dna, which made her more easy to control. But the programming took some time and during their stay in the Garden of Eden, Lilith got a chance to have a private conversation with Eve, disguised as a snake, the vehicle of the Gods. This was trick to make the female role in the coming cultural evolution, extremely difficult. Still the woman has to promise obeyance and submission, because of her role in the fall of mankind. Lilith's shape-shifting possibilities made some believe, that Kain was in fact Lilith's child.

But was she responsible for the coming of evil afterwards?

One of the first thing you do, when you have rented a hotelroom, is by putting on the television. Being a complete stranger it gives you a perfect image of society and culture, you are monitoring. Coming to planet Earth, I fitst chose to rent a cheap hotelroom in Amsterdam. One of the best places on Earth, if not the Universe. High technology, food from all over the world, cheap liquor, drugs and entertainment. Even now, when the worldeconomy had collapsed and big money was lost.

But let's get back to the hotelroom. It contained a colortelevision and offered about 30 free stations. After a couple of days I wrote my first report. This society was fascinated by violence. On the one hand there were a lot of precautions. Camera's and uniformed police and guards were everywhere. On the other hand there were children who spent their free time by killing as much people as possible on their computerscreen. Amusement?

Some own real guns.

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