zaterdag 17 mei 2014


In Nag Hammadi (Egypt) in 1945 an ancient jar was discovered, which contained several, leather bound, codexis (dating about 400 AD.), that contained early christian, religious documents. The books contained several gospels, unknown and not censored by the Church. But not all were gospels, some were the registration necessary to run a community. The Nag Hamadi-documents contained also some notes about the origin of evil.

The author describes them as “Archons”, a predator that came from deep space and took over our world and rules our lives, even until this very minute. We are just prisoners, held captive as a food-source to these archon-entities and manifestations. They feed on our pain, our destruction and our fears. This predator is our Lord and Master. Archons are parasites, that create our world through us. They manipulate our mind, our genetics and manipulate and deceive to keep the populus productive and docile. The Archons are responsible for the continous stream of war, destruction, suffering and mind-manipulation. They hinder our human development and individuals who get near(er) to the truth, disappear or get openly murdered (Bill Cooper), even by the government (Waco, Texas).
Archons envy us and can only exist “through” us.

Archons come in two types: Reptilian and the so-called Greys. Their interactions are complex, but most researchers conclude that Greys serve the Reptilians. They do the dirty work (cattle-mutulations or abductions), There is no empathy felt around them. Reptilians on the other hand can produce a “paralyzing” fear. On May 10, 1971 the noted British astrophysicist and astronomer, sir Alfred Hoyle, called a news conference and made the following statement: “Human beings are just pawns in a great game; being played by alien minds, which controls mankind's every move. These alien minds come from another universe. One with five dimensions. These superintelligent entities are so completely different from us, that it is impossible to describe them in human terms. They have been here for aeons and probably have interfered with human genetics. Anything, that mankind has accomplished is the result of their interference.”

ARCHONS are psycho-spiritual parasites, that intrude subliminally upon the human mind, making us play our our inhumane behavior to weird and violent extremes.


We are all in the process of (re-)awakening. A process of gaining insight and knowledge about ourselves, the world (universe) we live in and its and our purpose and destiny. It's also a process of boundaries, impossibilities and limitations.

It all starts with education, which is totally dominated by the left side of the brain. Rationality, reduction, complexity, numbers and causality characterize this brainpart. Right-sided brain-activity sees simplicity, connections, potential, intuition and one-ness of our reality. After a left-sided education your worldview is established and you live to your limitations. Science has followed this (left-sided) path almost to the end. All, medicine, psychiatry, fysics, astronomy, history or theology have all run out of explanations. They all are waiting for a miracle, being alien intervention, discovery of ancient knowledge or the discovery of a “god-particle”. Why do science, economics and religion don't provide the answers, human kind so desperately needs. Because they have made their limitations into dogma. Scientists see the world als a construct of particles, condensed into matter, living things, constructs and reflection on it. Materialism, uniformity and repeatability are the roots of our (succesfull) technological development.

In this process of awakening “conspiracy” plays an important role. I thought, I could trust politicians and scientists. Honesty is the best policy. Untill a few years after 9/11. I saw a German documentary about the “Pentagon-attack” and I jumped into another dimension. But I write this to warn you (in full respect). Don't approach “the conspiracy-grid” from the left. It will lead to watching and absorbing endless documentaries and irrelevant data. You are just watching the movie! No solutions at that level. The Left-brain does not accept other data, then those collected by the 5 senses. On the other hand, there is overwhelming evidence, that the human mind has more possibilities. Telepathy, precognition or telekinesis are a reality.
Conspiracy must be studied from both sides, to get holistic results.

I think, that mankind has been manipulated by evil powers, the Gnostics called “Archons”, especially on the levels, we are not aware of. They are ancient, interdimensional and evil. During our human history, they interfere and destroy important knowledge and people. On the other hand, some believe, that Charles Darwin was inspired by a Satan, when he wrote “On the Origins of Species. These invisible rulers profit from theological controversies. They want to keep humankind down and don't hesitate to destroy our planet, like happened during the Flood(s). They manifest themselves as benevolent (Angels, apperitions of Mary and Jesus), but are in essence demonic, satanic and on the dark side of the spectrum. They feed on fear and human suffering. Archons influence, manipulate and even “overshadow” influential statesmen, generals and cardinals. Their conspiracy has as one goal; to keep mankind loook the other way, by means of natural disasters, war, terrorism and economical collapse. But what is their agenda? What is their purpose in my life? 

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