vrijdag 23 mei 2014


If ancient civilizations have existed before the Flood (possibly the effect of a meteor-impact (or swarm), followed by volcanic eruptions and tsunamis), it is possible they would have detected this disaster scenario, several years before this “Apocalypse” would take place and they would have tried to minimize the damage. Possibly by keeping most of the people ignorant and promising them a shining future and feed and entertain them well. All but fixed possibilities and oppression and outlawing the critical opposition. A plan of global crowd control and manipulation.

Next to this masterplan, mixed with local wars, natural disasters and accidental death, the rulers of “Atlantis” would have sought for ways to survive. Maybe they tried to shoot and blow up the space debris and developed weapons to do so. When these systems were detected, rumors of extraterrestrial visitors would be spread to debunk the real story.

But what if these weapons would fail and disaster would strike? The ruling class of Atlantis decided to explore every other option. They build enormous underground cities and factories, which they connected by an underground railway-system. These facilities could be shut of from the outside and were able to sustain waterpressure and blasts.

In it tens of thousands of people could live on for several years. Colossal growing tanks for food and waterrecycling systems were installed. A careful selection was made, who was necessary after the catastrophic events. Which qualities (physical, mental or intellectual) were needed to maintain the underground colony and survive. The catacombs were stored with artifacts, books, tools and manuals. Each facility was run by a military staff, that had complete authority over the refugees. The Atlantean Elite constructed hundreds of them, all around the world. But the shelters where not nearly enough to save the whole population. Extreme secrecy about the fate of the masses was necessary to keep the peace.

I think there were other plans. Going into space or sheltering high up the mountains or on the bottom of the oceans. They may even have tried to flee to other dimensions.

When disaster struck, the old Earth and its beautiful cities and monuments mostly disappeared and there were hardly any people left. The Earth was dark and empty, as were the waters.

Of the Atlanteans who searched for safety underground, some survived, but many safe-houses were crushed by the movement of the earth-mass, as a result of the changing polar-axis. The results of the meteorites-impact was much bigger than expected. Earth changed dramatically and the Atlantean upperclass, the ones that lived, were buried deep underground, under rocks, water and miles of sand and mud. It was impossible for them to reach the surface to start a new life, a new Atlantean Empire.

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