vrijdag 23 mei 2014


Everything is going according to plan, Madam.” The spokesman, obvious a member of operational services, looked up at the tall, blondhaired woman, who was overlooking the surroundings from het commandpost in the cspaceship. She was almost one feet taller, than the engineer. Slim, blue-eyes and extremely young for the position she held over this delicate operation from Cosmic Rescue. That was not the official name, but its goal was to rescue endangered species or lifeforms.

Life was a priceless and a special commodity in this universe, though the opposite was mostly true. This planet was full of life. It even contained intelligent humanoid species, unique to this universe. But even though there was room enough for everybody and their adaptability to natural circumstances was formidable, the humanoid species clashed and the decisive fight over territory, huntinggrounds and habitable places drove one type of humans almost to extinction. Nothing could stop this process, becaue the winning side strongly believed, that, although they looked quite similar, that their fellow human beings were animals, who should be hunted down, because they represented a danger for the growth and blossoming of their way of life. The latter meaning continuous battles over territory or women. This inherent aggression was now focused on this, shrinking, population.

We did a good job, even though it took a couple of years to convince them, that leaving the planet was their best option.”

The engineer nodded. “I was hear from the beginning and worked mainley on holographic projection and imaging.” The woman laughed. “In the end they even accepted holographic images of me and my team as entities and part of their collective spirit. During mass-ceremonies held in their underground cathedrals we succeeded in getting this message across. It were their sjamans, that made the difference. They were mostly curious after our techniques and, on a new, suitable planet, this would enhance their power manyfold. Even now their insights, rituals and inprinting techniues completely supported their way of life. They only took from the land, what they needed and were, in contrast to their enemies, almost vegetarian.

Outside a long row of humans, man, woman and children, were climbing towards an entrance of the ship. They were dressed in furs and were carrying pottery, jars and all kind of tools. They seemed in a kind of trance, hardly making a sound.

Madam, does this place have a name?” She nodded. “In the future this will be called “das Neanderthal”.

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