donderdag 22 mei 2014

From the SiTU Archives

Blog: Welcome to the real world

Ever wonder how to sell $100,000 worth of drugs in a week? We learned the secrets of a drug dealer in NYC - a man who will deliver any substance you want, 24/7. He told us everything - from where he gets his drugs to how his crew operates. Come with us as we take a rare look into the dangerous life of a NYC drug delivery-man.

How to Sell Drugs

Culture in Decline: What Democracy?

Culture in Decline: What Democracy?From the creator of the zeitgeist film series, Peter Joseph, comes the worst reality show of all time: the real one. This opening show addresses the coming 2012 US Presidential Election and the subject of what we perceive as “Democracy” in the world today.
The well known advocate of the scientific thought Carl Sagan once invited the question: If we are visited by a superior species from another part of the galaxy and forced to explain to them our stewardship of our planet, not to mention the state of the human affairs today, would we be proud of what we describe?
How do we frame our explanation that almost half of the world, over 3 billion people, are either barely surviving in abject poverty and sickness, or are simply dying off unnecessarily at a rate of about one person every couple of seconds, all occurring in the wake of an advanced technological realities.

Nederland telt in EU meeste vrouwelijke gedetineerden

© ANP. Vrouwengevangenis Ter Peel in Evertsoord.
Nederland heeft het hoogste percentage vrouwelijke gedetineerden van alle landen in de Europese Unie. Het Europees gemiddelde ligt op 4 procent van het totale aantal gevangenen, maar in Nederland is dat percentage de afgelopen 10 jaar verdubbeld naar 8,7 procent. Dat blijkt uit een onderzoeksrapport naar het Nederlands detentiewezen van de EU-organisatie CPT, dat vandaag wordt gepubliceerd.
'Op de luchthaven Schiphol worden veel vrouwelijke drugskoeriers aangehouden', verklaart een woordvoerder van justitie het hoge percentage. 'Dat is een vorm van criminaliteit waar de andere Europese landen nauwelijks last van hebben.' Tegelijkertijd daalt het aantal mannelijke gedetineerden doordat de zware criminaliteit is gedaald, en daarin zijn mannen oververtegenwoordigd.

Jesse Ventura Vs. The TSA "I've Lost My Patriotism" [Video]


Iraq: After the Americans

Iraq: After the AmericansCorrespondent Sebastian Walker first went to Baghdad in June 2003 and spent the next several years reporting un-embedded from Iraq.
In the first part of this Fault Lines series, he returns and travels from Basra to Baghdad to find out what kind of future Iraqis are forging for themselves.
Now that US troops have left, how are Iraqis overcoming the legacy of violence and toxic remains of the US-led occupation, and the sectarian war it ignited? Is the country on the brink of irreparable fragmentation?
After almost a decade the US war in Iraq is over. A new balance of power has emerged, but many people are living in precarity.

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