zaterdag 17 mei 2014


SiTU MEMO 1 - 4


The Holy Bible is a fragment of a larger scenario, being part of the manual we need to develop into a new entity and a way to leave this dimension as our habitat and reach for the stars. The universe is our destiny.

The manual is still not complete, seems a chaos and is hidden from us. Therefore we have to rewrite the books and create our own way out. A way out of this world without respect and compassion. A word of greed and not of sharing. This is the world we are going to discover, protect and restore. That is the way, that is the flow. The natural way.


SO, YOU ARE INTERESTED? You want to join our search? Then you have to start to educate yourself. How, just follow my instructions. I am the Master, the captain of our ship, called SiTU.

Consider, this is a matrix-situation. If we start educating you, there is no return. We will offer your the real tools, the real data and insights. Your actual history and destination and how they were hidden and used against you. Forget everything you have been learned. The simplest description of your situation is that your mind is full of crap, pumped into you to keep your docile and following the Big Program towards an Old World Order, also called the Fourth Empire or the New Reich. The definite split of mankind into a small Elite and a, reduced, worldpopulation of servants, laborers and game.

George Orwell once described this future as follows. “Imagine a boot, stamping in your face. FOREVER”.

But, there is no time to waste. Let's start with your first assignment. The question. “What is the meaning of your first name(s). See you tomorrow.


NOMEN EST OMEN”. This Roman saying means as much as “you name is your destiny, maybe even your doom”. In centuries past first names were chosen with care. It was a mark, which would never leave the new-born. The chosen name would be presented to the gods in a baptising ceremony. Your name is definitively written down in de book of life.

Choosing a name was a matter of politics. You followed the ruler or the fashion of that time-frame.

In the Netherlands first names have mainly two roots. First the pagan and local names and secondly the holy names of the Roman-Catholic church. My first name stems from that tradition. It has shrunken in time, but the roots are clear. My first name means as much as “dedicated, devoted to God”. Many saints and holy men carried this name, so did popes and emperors. Traditionally this name was given to the boy, destined to join a monastery and lead a pious life. You can find my name in the Bible, making it thousands of years old and one of the most common names in the Western hemisphere.

Destined to serve God. But my parents were socialists and atheists. Had they forgotten this religious background or were there other meanings.

And why am I trying to serve God?


When you are born on the island of Bali in Indonesia your first name would be a number. The first born gets the name “Wayan”, number two is called “Maday”, followed by “Ketut” (3) and “Nyoman”. After that, they start all over again. This a kind of precaution. When the newborn has showed endurance ceremonies are in held in which the young Balinese, gets a personal name, a family name and even secret names. Your name becomes your family and personal history, tradition and destiny. This could end in a scenario of doom.

You have to understand that your name is given to you with a certain purpose, even without your parents realising this and your family-name places you in a certain tradition and historical concept. That the task for today. Study on your last name(s) and try to discover their meaning and embedding and is there a connection with your first name.



      • 44:09


HET GETAL Hoofdstuk 2


Convergence of classical, biblical and medieval prophesy with the state the world is in.

SOMEthing to THINK about

The first four humans, the first four earthly beings who were truly articulate when they moved their feet and hands, their faces and mouths, and who could speak the very language of the Gods, could also see everything under the sky and on the Earth. All they had to do was look around from the spot where they were, all the way to the limits of space and the limits of time. But then the Gods, wwho had not intended to make and model beings with the potential to becoming their equals, limited human sight to what was obvious and nearby.

Introduction to the Popol Vuh




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