maandag 19 mei 2014

Reality is an illusion. A holographic “tendency to exist”, which presents itself in a multi-dimensional way. Interacting energy-packets directed by our pineal gland and materializing only when observed.
So far, so good. We talk too much. We are talking (and writing down) for 12.000 years (or more) and creating a reality, where we can talk our way out of. At least, that's what we think. Really, could you explain your actions and intentions, you so devoted too, when Saint Peter would ask you to? Did your life's work create something extra and new, or was it just copying a mirror, consuming and plain sin? Remember, Judgement Day is a reality; one way or another. What if your grandchildren ask you: “Why did you drive your car every day, why not walk?” In fact they are asking: “Why did you use all the natural resources, if there was no to-morrow? Did any substantial survive? And why do we have to live in a world without trees, birds and a deadly and explosive atmosphere?”
This reality/future is real and will come true. If you want it or not. We are stuck here and there is no way out, if we continue fighting each-other. Although matter hardly exists, one bullit is enough, most of the time and we can not walk through a wall, yet.
If you hurt some-one, it may be illusion to you, but not to the victim. An unexpected and violent death “kills” your soul and radically chances your future. Earth is a, distorted and manipulated, reincarnation-machine (with Earth I mean our solar system (in a broad sence). It's all so a training-ground for spiritual development. Earth (and the solar system) create possibilities of growth and development (12 levels, to start with).
It's also a prison-planet. We are not supposed to get out and discover our own potential. By developing our potential we would break free, destroy the killing status-quo and could reach for the stars (literally and spiritually). This would bring all the ruling powers of our universe tumbling down. If science was much more, than numbers and matter, from universities to “Kindergarten” the curriculum has to change. If spiritual beings don't argue and compete with guns, warfare and secret operations; you don't need armies, navies and secret services. If thought is an act of creation, food and drinking is no problem. Finally, there is a global base for a collective “ascension”. There are no problems, just people! And the people will change, not the instutions. They will slowly and with a lot of resistance, fade away. But if God does not exist in the way IT was always presented. Who needs all the monks, priests, counselors, consultants, pastors, theologians in the traditional way. It could mean a tremendous positive input to realise a human society, in a basic and necessary way.


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