woensdag 21 mei 2014

Everything is interconnected and has a certain amount of significance. So do you. If you want it or not. It also means that you have a responsibility, you didn't ask for. So you think.
Without knowing people, animals, plants are depending on you.
It manifests itself in the way, you commit yourself to it. If you ignore the weather, the weather will ignore you or will test you to draw your attention. If you ignore animals, you are likely to consume enormous amounts of junkfood and will die young. If you ignore plants, you will not see the beauty of them and the world will become a world of stone.
If you ignore people, thinking that you are Neo, the One, you slip into a so-called repitilian mindframe. The result is an way of life, dominated by immediately satisfaction, domination, hierarchy and violence. This again brings the need of armies, police and secret services to assure, that the Elite lives in the land of plenty.
The world we look at today seems to become overflown by this way of thinking. There are no morals or justice in a reptilian world, just the survival of the fittest and their offspring.
Our disconnectedness with nature, other energy levels and the cosmos keeps you down and makes you a apathic victim for the web woven by these alien forces. Alien meaning, not human. By control, poisoning mind and body and even assasination, they keep the world stabilized. This means for instance that billions are spend on warfare, while at the same time millions are starving to death in Somalia and Ethiopy. The operating armies, navies, airforces and inteligence can easily solve this problem. But they don't. In the eyes of the Elite the Earth is densily overpopulated. In 40 years this number, of about 7 billion people, will have doubled. It seems impossible to feed all those mouths and offer them a decent living.
On the Georgia Guidestones, the Stonehenge of the USA, it simply states, that the worldpopulation must be brought back to
500.000.000 people. The survivors have been selected already.
That last 20 years has just been a playground, including 9/11, and the worst has yet to come. At his moment bacteria and viruses are roaming the world in preparation of a pandemic. All of them produced, like the Aids-virus, in military laboratories all over the planet, The humane immune system is slowly broken down, due to vaccinations, ant-biotics, chemtrails and a bad diet. Terrorist attacks will multiply and the number of natural catastrofies will mount.
The solution for this doomscenario is simple.
Reconnect, the world is waiting for your input.”

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