Historian Michael Wood retraces the legendary footsteps of the mighty Greek king Alexander the Great, and illustrates the impact of Greek culture in those lands. Wood's journey is based on documented historical accounts, as well as local traditions.
zondag 28 oktober 2012
zaterdag 27 oktober 2012
Cinekid - War of the Buttons (De knopenoorlog)
Cinekid - War of the Buttons (De knopenoorlog) Christophe Barratier (FR 2011)
, ondertitels: Nederlands, 109 min
, ondertitels: Nederlands, 109 min
Tegen het eind van de Tweede Wereldoorlog vechten kinderen op het Franse platteland met houten zwaarden onderling hun eigen oorlog om de knopen van hun tegenstanders uit. Maar als een joods meisje, dat gevlucht is voor de Duitsers, in gevaar komt, ontdekken ze dat er belangrijker zaken zijn dan hun geruzie
vrijdag 26 oktober 2012
Breakthrough in world's oldest undeciphered writing
October 23, 2012 - The world's oldest undeciphered writing system, which has so far defied attempts to uncover its 5,000-year-old secrets, could be about to be decoded by Oxford University academics.
This international research project is already casting light on a lost bronze age middle eastern society where enslaved workers lived on rations close to the starvation level.
"I think we are finally on the point of making a breakthrough," says Jacob Dahl, fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford and director of the Ancient World Research Cluster.
Dr Dahl's secret weapon is being able to see this writing more clearly than ever before.
In a room high up in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, above the Egyptian mummies and fragments of early civilisations, a big black dome is clicking away and flashing out light.
This device, part sci-fi, part-DIY, is providing the most detailed and high quality images ever taken of these elusive symbols cut into clay tablets. This is Indiana Jones with software.
It's being used to help decode a writing system called proto-Elamite, used between around 3200BC and 2900BC in a region now in the south west of modern Iran.
And the Oxford team think that they could be on the brink of understanding this last great remaining cache of undeciphered texts from the ancient world.
Dr Dahl remains passionate about what this work says about such societies, digging into the deepest roots of civilisation. This is about where so much begins. For instance, proto-Elamite was the first writing ever to use syllables.
If Macbeth talked about the "last syllable of recorded time", the proto-Elamites were there for the first.
And with sufficient support, Dr Dahl says that within two years this last great lost writing could be fully understood.
This international research project is already casting light on a lost bronze age middle eastern society where enslaved workers lived on rations close to the starvation level.
"I think we are finally on the point of making a breakthrough," says Jacob Dahl, fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford and director of the Ancient World Research Cluster.
Dr Dahl's secret weapon is being able to see this writing more clearly than ever before.
In a room high up in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, above the Egyptian mummies and fragments of early civilisations, a big black dome is clicking away and flashing out light.
This device, part sci-fi, part-DIY, is providing the most detailed and high quality images ever taken of these elusive symbols cut into clay tablets. This is Indiana Jones with software.
It's being used to help decode a writing system called proto-Elamite, used between around 3200BC and 2900BC in a region now in the south west of modern Iran.
And the Oxford team think that they could be on the brink of understanding this last great remaining cache of undeciphered texts from the ancient world.
Dr Dahl remains passionate about what this work says about such societies, digging into the deepest roots of civilisation. This is about where so much begins. For instance, proto-Elamite was the first writing ever to use syllables.
If Macbeth talked about the "last syllable of recorded time", the proto-Elamites were there for the first.
And with sufficient support, Dr Dahl says that within two years this last great lost writing could be fully understood.
Sources and more information:
• This ancient, undeciphered text is closer than ever to being solved
The world's oldest undeciphered writing is on the verge of what researchers are calling "a breakthrough," and they're looking to the public to help make it happen. The symbols you see up top are known as proto-Elamite script, a writing system that dates back five millennia to the Early Bronze age, in what is now southwestern Iran.
• Experts Cracking Oldest Undeciphered Language on 5,000-year-old tablets• Oldest unreadable alphabet yields to 'tablet' computer
• New super-camera turned on enigmatic ancient writing
Read more: http://www.disclose.tv/news/Breakthrough_in_worlds_oldest_undeciphered_writing/86223#ixzz2AT6HAoWq
donderdag 25 oktober 2012
resurrection and the following ascension of Jesus Christ, is
fundamental for the Christians. He not only left them his teachings,
but also a miracle. In his brutal death and resurrection, Jesus
washed away our sins and opened the road to Heaven for his followers.
The crucified Messiah appeared 6 times, after his death. The first
one Jesus appeared to, was Maria Magdalen, whom he asked to inform
his disciples. Theologians comment, that this is highly unlikely. A
woman was held in low esteem (does that ever change) and a testimony
in court, made by a woman, was not valid. Maybe they met, because
they loved each other and knew that their days together were counted?
was Jesus dead, when he was taken of the cross? Was he drugged or had
he the power of a yogi? They are capable of performing seemingly
impossible deeds: to die (stop all body functions), stay “dead”
for days, before they awake out of what they call a “trance-state”.
Drugs derived from plants can have the same effect. Some say, that
Jesus stayed in India and Nepal, during the lost years. If so, was he
influenced by Buddhist teachings? He would surely have seen and met
yogi's and saddhu's (wandering holy men). He even might have visited
yoga lessons!
the Gospels Jesus appeared and presented himself after his death a
total of 6 times, before he disappears into Heaven on the Mount of
certainly were decisive days. The apostles got inspired after the
desillusion of Jesus' death and often found a violent death. Peter
was crucified (up-side down) f.i. and the Romans threw his followers
to the lions. Still the miracle of the resurrection and ascension
became a central dogma after the Counsil of Nicea. The official
doctrines were formulated and the content of the Bible was decided.
Now the Christian church started persecuting and even killing
dissidents, while alternative texts were left out and disappeared.
Jesus proved to be the son of God, by ascending into Heaven, to await
his return at the End of Time.
there more evidence, except the stories from the Bible. Little is
said about Jesus in other, Jewish, sources.
Catholic Church had, from the start, an insatiable appetite for
relics. These varied from tiny bones of Saints to parts of the
Cross, on which Jesus was crucified. Artifacts, that had touched
Jesus during his life and especially during his suffering, had immens
spiritual powers. Pilgrims came from all around and this garanteed
hugh profits for clergy and church. Many of these artifacts are still
worshipped and are an accepted “factum” in religious practices.
Emperor Constantine's wife went treasure hunting in Jerusalem and dug
up the real Cross, complete. This gave an enormous boost to the new
state-religion Christianity. The real cross disappeared during the
fall of Constantinople and the Byzantine empire. The “Aya Sophia”
was turned into a mosque.
important artifact was “The Spear of Destiny”, als called the
“Spear of Longistus”. With this spear, the Roman soldier
Longistus pierced Jesus' side,to make sure he was dead.
are four of them. One in the Vatican, one in Spain, one in Armenia
and the most famous one is in Vienna. It was one of the first things,
Adolf Hitler laid his hands on, when he annexed Austria. It would
make him win the war. In Israel an ossuary (stone box, with the bones
of the diseased), was found. An inscription said: Jesus, brother of
James, son of Josef. If this box was authentic, it could mean that
Jesus was a historical figure and the Bible correct. It also meant,
that Jesus had not risen from the death. The box was authentic, but
the inscription was a forgery.
is one more important Roman Catholic relic, that is linked to the
death of Jesus: the Shroud of Turin.
shroud appeared during the Middle Ages, but some trace it back to
Constantinople and/or Spain and was always acknowledged to be a Holy
Relic. It became “hot”, when it was photographed for the first
time. The negative show an image of Jesus. This piece of linnen had
covered his dead body. The imprint of his body, his face, his bloody
scars and his pierced hand and feet, could clearly been seen. How
this image appeared on the cloth, remained a mystery. If it was a
forgery, how could this been done? Was it produced by Leonardo da
Vinci? New photographic research has produced perfect 3-dimensional
images. The resemblance to the biblical tale is striking. The
headwounds, the effect of the whip on his back and he looks like
Jesus! His face is the face we know from churches, cathedrals, art
and bibles.
is only one problem. Pieces of the cloth have been carbon dated by
several scientists. The outcome? The piece of cloth dated back to
the first half of the 11th century! You can understand,
that these data are disputed as is the method of carbon dating.
Russian mathematician Anatoli Fomenko could see this as a support for
his theory, that our history is a fraud and a Medieval construct. In
his “New Chronology” he concludes that Jesus lived and died on
the cross in that period. If true, it explains the unity between the
face on the Shroud and the face of Jesus, appearing everywhere in
Europe. European Artists may have seen him “at work”
Spoken van de oorlog’: het verhaal achter de In beeld-serie.
Teeuwisse begon in 2007, toen ze op een vlooienmarkt negatieven van foto’s van de Tweede Wereldoorlog vond. Ze was benieuwd waar ze precies gemaakt waren, dus ze zocht die plekken op en ging met haar eigen toestel op precies dezelfde plek staan als de fotograaf destijds in de oorlog. Ze noemt de verzameling foto’s Ghosts of War.
Tegen de Amerikaanse website The Atlantic, die een paar van haar foto’s gisteren plaatste, zei ze dat het op die manier “een beetje schilderen met de geschiedenis is”.
Over het Photoshoppen van de gecombineerde foto’s zegt ze dat het niet zo moeilijk is:
En de aandacht is terecht, want het is een bijzonder project dat inmiddels tientallen van die ‘foto-collages’ omvat. Vandaag plaatsten wij een In beeld-serie met tien van haar foto’s, allemaal genomen in Nederland:
The Atlantic is bij lange na niet de enige. Ook in Engeland, Australië, Turkije, Spanje en zelfs China konden internetgebruikers de foto’s de afgelopen week tegenkomen.
Ze zet sociale media af en toe in om hulp te vragen, als ze bijvoorbeeld zelf niet weet waar een foto precies gemaakt is of een ‘moderne’ foto van een locatie nodig heeft. Dat is bijvoorbeeld vaak het geval bij foto’s uit het buitenland. Niet alleen Nederlandse steden behoren namelijk tot de collectie:
Een vrijheidsoptocht op 29 juni 1945 in de Vijzelstraat, Amsterdam. Eronder dezelfde straat in januari 2010. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
door Peter Zantingh
Ze is er al even mee bezig, maar momenteel worden ze overal opgepikt: de foto’s die de Nederlandse historica Jo Teeuwisse maakt. Ze combineert beeld uit de Tweede Wereldoorlog met hoe dezelfde plek er nu uitziet. Naar het resultaat kun je uren blijven kijken.
“Mijn foto-collages zijn de afgelopen dagen inderdaad behoorlijk ‘viral’ de wereld rondgegaan”, mailt Teeuwisse, historica van het Historisch Adviesbureau ’30-’45 naar nrc.nl. “Zelfs de Amerikaanse televisie heeft het erover.” Teeuwisse begon in 2007, toen ze op een vlooienmarkt negatieven van foto’s van de Tweede Wereldoorlog vond. Ze was benieuwd waar ze precies gemaakt waren, dus ze zocht die plekken op en ging met haar eigen toestel op precies dezelfde plek staan als de fotograaf destijds in de oorlog. Ze noemt de verzameling foto’s Ghosts of War.
Tegen de Amerikaanse website The Atlantic, die een paar van haar foto’s gisteren plaatste, zei ze dat het op die manier “een beetje schilderen met de geschiedenis is”.
Over het Photoshoppen van de gecombineerde foto’s zegt ze dat het niet zo moeilijk is:
“Je zet de oude foto op de nieuwe foto en zorgt dat ze goed samenvallen. Vervolgens haal je delen weg. Het gaat er niet om hoe je het doet – de computer doet dat werk voor je en het is niet moeilijk. Het gaat erom dat je besluit wat je laat zien en wat je weghaalt, en wat je de kijker wil tonen. Als je de juiste keuzes maakt, vertelt de combinatie een verhaal en zet het mensen aan het denken.”Dit zijn de twee foto’s die ze gebruikte om de foto boven dit artikel te maken:
Foto's Jo Hedwig Theeuwisse
En de aandacht is terecht, want het is een bijzonder project dat inmiddels tientallen van die ‘foto-collages’ omvat. Vandaag plaatsten wij een In beeld-serie met tien van haar foto’s, allemaal genomen in Nederland:
- 1/10. Een groep jonge fabrieksarbeiders, vermoedelijk poserend voor de Amsterdamse fabriek waar ze werkten. De foto is gecombineerd met het beeld van dezelfde plek nu. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
- 2/10. Mei 1945: op de Molenkade in Duivendrecht wachten mensen op de bevrijding. Gecombineerd met een foto van dezelfde plek in maart 2010. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
- 3/10. Links soldaten op de Dam in Amsterdam, vlak na de bevrijding. Rechts de Dam in 2007. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
- 4/10. Duitse soldaten lopen door Den Haag na hun overgave en passeren een man met een Nederlandse vlag. Een foto van mei 1945, gecombineerd met een foto van dezelfde plek in oktober 2012. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
- 5/10. Links het wervingskantoor van de SS op de Dam tijdens de oorlog, rechts de Dam in 2007. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
- 6/10. Amsterdammers aan de Reguliersgracht. De afgebeelde personen werkten in een fabriek, vermoedelijk hield het kantoor daarvan huis in een van deze gebouwen. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
- 7/10. Geallieerde soldaten lopen richting het centrum van Eindhoven in september 1944. De ‘moderne’ foto is van april 2012. Beide foto’s zijn genomen in de Frankrijkstraat. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
- 8/10. Juni 1937: de Nederlandse minister Hendrikus Colijn verlaat het ministerie van Koloniale Zaken aan het Plein in het centrum van Den Haag. Gecombineerd met een foto van hoe het er tegenwoordig uit ziet. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
- 9/10. Nederlanders verwelkomen de bevrijders aan de Hofweg in Den Haag, mei 1945. Gecombineerd met een foto van dezelfde plek in oktober 2012. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
- 10/10. De Neude, Utrecht: twee dagen na de bevrijding van 5 mei 1945 wordt er nog heen en weer geschoten tussen Duitse soldaten enerzijds en Nederlandse burgers en Britse soldaten anderzijds. Gecombineerd met een foto uit april 2012. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
1/10. Een groep jonge fabrieksarbeiders, vermoedelijk poserend voor de Amsterdamse fabriek waar ze werkten. De foto is gecombineerd met het beeld van dezelfde plek nu. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
The Atlantic is bij lange na niet de enige. Ook in Engeland, Australië, Turkije, Spanje en zelfs China konden internetgebruikers de foto’s de afgelopen week tegenkomen.
Ze zet sociale media af en toe in om hulp te vragen, als ze bijvoorbeeld zelf niet weet waar een foto precies gemaakt is of een ‘moderne’ foto van een locatie nodig heeft. Dat is bijvoorbeeld vaak het geval bij foto’s uit het buitenland. Niet alleen Nederlandse steden behoren namelijk tot de collectie:
De Avenue de Paris in Cherbourg, een stad in Normandië. Een Fransman hielp Teeuwisse door voor haar de ‘moderne’ foto te maken. Foto Jo Hedwig Teeuwisse
Amerikaanse soldaten van de 82nd Airborne Division in 1943 aan de Via Cavour in Vittoria, op het Italiaanse eiland Sicilië.
Discover powerful evidence that links Stonehenge, Avebury, Glastonbury and many other mystical locations throughout England to ancient advanced technology and an advanced ancient order that had a direct connection with Atlantis.

Nearly the only artifacts bequeathed to the present by the builders of Stonehenge and the thousands of other megalithic monuments dotting the British countryside were stones. The culture that built these profound testaments to perseverance had no written language, left no pictorial records, did not pass down oral histories through the generations. Lost in the mists of prehistory are most of the clues that might have explained what beliefs or practical concerns drove these people to stand 80-ton boulders on end and painstakingly arrange them into circles with little more than ropes and their bare hands.
Through intensive forensic examinations of soil, bones, clay urns, and primitive tools discovered near megalithic sites, archaeologists have ascertained that the earliest landmarks to have survived to the present were built by a late Stone Age, or Neolithic, people. Emigrating to the fertile chalk uplands of south-central England from the Continental northwest around 4000 BCE, these hardy settlers were the first to bring agriculture to the British Isles.
Read more: http://www.gorp.com/parks-guide/travel-ta-archaeology-united-kingdom-hiking-sidwcmdev_057581.html#ixzz2AIE7FG3Z
Nearly the only artifacts bequeathed to the present by the builders of Stonehenge and the thousands of other megalithic monuments dotting the British countryside were stones. The culture that built these profound testaments to perseverance had no written language, left no pictorial records, did not pass down oral histories through the generations. Lost in the mists of prehistory are most of the clues that might have explained what beliefs or practical concerns drove these people to stand 80-ton boulders on end and painstakingly arrange them into circles with little more than ropes and their bare hands.
Through intensive forensic examinations of soil, bones, clay urns, and primitive tools discovered near megalithic sites, archaeologists have ascertained that the earliest landmarks to have survived to the present were built by a late Stone Age, or Neolithic, people. Emigrating to the fertile chalk uplands of south-central England from the Continental northwest around 4000 BCE, these hardy settlers were the first to bring agriculture to the British Isles.
Read more: http://www.gorp.com/parks-guide/travel-ta-archaeology-united-kingdom-hiking-sidwcmdev_057581.html#ixzz2AIE7FG3Z
maandag 22 oktober 2012
First human ancestor 'looked like a squirrel'
First human ancestor 'looked like a squirrel':
First human ancestor - a primitive tiny animal - looked like a squirrel, a new study has claimed.
First human ancestor - a primitive tiny animal - looked like a squirrel, a new study has claimed.
zondag 21 oktober 2012
vrijdag 19 oktober 2012
donderdag 18 oktober 2012
dinsdag 16 oktober 2012
period of the Bronze Age ended, in the Mediterranean, around 1200 BC.
And the collapse took about 50 years. The result was the crumbling of
empires, the destruction of temples, palaces and the migration of
survivors. Before this period of natural and human disasters, the
area was relatively peaceful. The “super powers” held each other
in balance and trade flourished. Transport and trade were in the
hands of the Kanaanites, who lived in the “Holy Land”. In Greece,
Italy, Northern Africa and Crete the Minoans developed a
warrior-culture, that culminated in the Siege of Troje and is
immortalized by Homer. Egypt was at its peak, and was ruled by
pharaohs of the Ramses-dynasty. In Turkey the Hittites ruled the
a chain of events led to the destruction of all 5 civilizations.
many things, even in modern life, it all culminated in a giant
explosion. This was the moment, that the island of Thera exploded and
an enormous amout of ashes covered the land and the dark cloudes
reached into Egypt and Italy. The eruption of this “super-volcano”
was followed by a colossal tsunami. Especially the island of Crete
was hit and many sites show the remains of sea-organisms at a height
of more than 100 meters. The number of casualties must have been
immense. Archeologists have unearthed an Minoan city on Santorine
(the remnants of Thera), that was completely covered in ash (and well
preserved). The infrastructure collapsed as well. In the aftermath of
the volcano, the area was struck by earth-quakes. Almost all the
major centres (Troj!) were hit by one or several quakes. Egypt was
hit as well, though it was the only civilization, that survived. But
it never regained the splendour of past dynasties. Egypt was a
wealthy state. In a period of bad crops, followed by starvation, the
Isrealits migrated to Northern Egypt and were welcomed there. They
found a place to survive. This changed when “Pharaoh” turned them
into slaves. Moses led them out of Egypt, helped by the 10 plagues,
that hit the pharaoh and all of his people. Each one of the plagues
can be caused by a volcanic eruption, the magnitude of Thera. Another
loss for Egypt was the result of the “Exodus”; Pharaoh's
charrioteers drowned pursuing the Jews. They were the backbone of the
Egyptian army, the Elite. Why is this important. The natural
disasters were followed by another disaster: invasion and war.
the Seapeople appear. They attack Egypt and beat the Pharaoh and raid
towns and areas all over the place. The Seapeople (7 tribes) don't go
for the loot and the plunder. They are searching for a new place to
settle. There is some archeological proof, that one of the tribes
built their new cities in Palestine (the Philistines, the
arch-enemies of the Israelites).
Crete, the survivors left the coast and constructed large walls, to
defend what they had left. Especially food would be scarce, because
the fields were covered in ashes.
is in these dramatic years, that the Jews escape from Egypt and
wander through the desert, to find the “Promised Land”. The
problem they face, is the fact that future Israel is already taken.
The Kanaanites live there, as do the newcomers “the Philistines”.
Isrealites claim their god-given right by conquering the land
of the Kanaanites and finally the Philistines, symbolized in David,
slaying the giant Goliath and beheading him.
the dust settles down, the Hittites, the Minoans and the Kanaanites
have disappeared. Greece is conquered by Aryan tribes and the
Isrealites rule the Holy Land. At the same time, Egypt is clinging to
the past and will fall into a slow decline, ending in the person of
Cleopatra. The Seapeople disappeared too. In my opinion, they
consisted of remnants of the Minoan culture. The tsunami, that
followed the Thera-eruption, must have been felt all around the
Mediterranean. It may even have opened a gateway to the Black Sea. It
most certainly have led to groups of desperate people searching and
fighting for a new place live.
are several “super-volcano's” all over the world. An eruption at
Lake Toba is dated, 60.000 years ago. The super-volcano at
Yellowstone Park is considered to be the prime candidate for an
eruption in the “nearby future”. This one will even be bigger,
than the one in the Mediterranean. The results will be devastating,
as was the one around 1200 BC. The core of the USA will be hit. The
effects will be equally dramatic. A possible scenario we find in the
collapse of the “Mediterranean Bronze Age”.
zondag 14 oktober 2012
Klaus Dona - The Lost Pyramids & Hidden Ancient Artifacts

In southern Alberta, just two hours drive from Calgary, is a place unlike anything else you are likely to encounter - the Drumheller badlands. Created by water and wind erosion, this place is constantly changing, revealing million-years-old dinosaur bones and the remains of the petrified forests on the long-gone aeons in the process.
In southern Alberta, just two hours drive from Calgary, is a place unlike anything else you are likely to encounter - the Drumheller badlands. Created by water and wind erosion, this place is constantly changing, revealing million-years-old dinosaur bones and the remains of the petrified forests on the long-gone aeons in the process.
zaterdag 13 oktober 2012
War and Civilization Empires and Armies
Narrated by Walter Cronkite, each episode of War & Civilization takes an in-depth look at the history of war, seemingly one of humanity's favorite pastimes. Based on the work of noted historian John Keegan, each entry is the history of an important development in the evolution of armed conflict from technological breakthroughs to tactical innovations. In this episode, viewers investigate how China and Rome built their empires on a base of conquest and ruinous war.
Narrated by Walter Cronkite, each episode of War & Civilization takes an in-depth look at the history of war, seemingly one of humanity's favorite pastimes. Based on the work of noted historian John Keegan, each entry is the history of an important development in the evolution of armed conflict from technological breakthroughs to tactical innovations. In this episode, viewers investigate how China and Rome built their empires on a base of conquest and ruinous war.
There is one important moment, a decisive one, in the rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazi-power. That moment is the moment when “der Reichstag” in Berlin was set on fire. At that moment, there was a period of political balance. The NSDAP did not win the elections and the brutality of the Nazi-footsoldiers was met with equal force from the communists. Socialists and communists were a major factor. The communists were more radical and idealistic, than the socialists, and they fought a kind of civil war. Hitler found a way to win this “war”. Shirtly after the inferno, a young Dutch communist was arrested. A classical pattern enfolds. Rinus van der Lubbe was quickly found guilty and executed. The young communist may have participated in the arson, but he was obviously used by the Nazi's. But Hitler wanted more. He introduced martial law to fight the communists. The deportation of political enemies began. It was wholeheartedly accepted and supported by the German public and political parties. Germany became completely “nazified” and it could look across its borders. “Versailles” had re-arranged the German and Austrian Empires, who had to be restored. The political opposition ended up silenced or in the concentration camps.
Wen Iraq, under the rule of Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait, the American government wanted to fight a ground-war. Unfortunately the American public opinion said otherwise. This changed when during a congressional hearing a young woman started to tell stories about Iraqi soldiers destroying incubators in hospitals and killing babies. Her eyes were filled with tears about the horrors she had seen. Another witness confessed, he had buried 14 dead babies.
The American public opinion changed completely after hearing these brutalities. President Bush even got emotional over it. These barbarians had to be stopped. Operation Dessert Storm got on the way. The young woman, who told her story full of emotion and crying, was the daughter of a diplomat from Kuwait. Before the meeting, she was trained by an American pr-company. And with success, war was on the way.
Sea the pattern? The second Gulf War started because the Americans “proved”, beyond any doubt, that Saddam possessed weapons of mass-destruction and he would not hesitate to use them. Those weapons of mass-destruction were never found. Their existence and threat was a deliberate lie. But it worked. Dessert Storm 2 (The Coalition of the Willing; willing to prove their loyalty to the USA, despite the innocent people being killed. Hundreds of thousands Iraqi civilians have died, in the last 22 years. The dying goes on.) crashed Saddam Hussein, who was no threat to anybody (anymore), nor was its army. Some pilots complained about the many “sitting ducks”, easy targets to destroy and no air-defense.
The war in Afghanistan started by the hunt on Osama bin Laden. There was no evidence, that he was connected to the 9/11 attack. There even was no evidence that he was in Afghanistan. He was finally found in Pakistan and assassinated.
You start seeing the pattern. I could put Pearl Harbor, the Gulf of Tonkin-incident and 9/11 on the list too). We are being lied to and our emotions are manipulated. The Elite wants war. It is profitable (rebuilding f.i., mining, oil, armsrace) and the people are massaged into a mode, in which violence is acceptable. Making it acceptable (necessary for freedom, democracy, war on drugs, war on terror) is massaged into our brain by the media, politicians and government.
These are all lies and the result of a retarded mindframe.
Violence, war and destruction are alien to human beings. They, the controlling powers, want to make it look natural, emotional, necessary and something to be proud of or even can excel in.
These are all delusions and block your potential. Education, entertainment, sport and amusement are full of it. Start deprogramming and get it out of your system. You will start to laugh, when you experience how stupid the fascination for speed, noise, power, destruction and martial arts is. This is my wish for you. I think (world)peace, therefore I am.
vrijdag 12 oktober 2012
“The Franco-Dutch War, often called simply the Dutch War (French: La Guerre de Hollande, Dutch: Hollandse Oorlog. The year 1672 in Dutch is often referred to as Het Rampjaar, meaning the year of disaster.) (1672–78) was a war fought by France, Sweden, the Prince-Bishop of Münster, the Archbishopric of Cologne and England against the Dutch Republic, which were later joined by the Austrian Habsburg lands, Brandenburg and Spain to form a quadruple alliance.”

woensdag 10 oktober 2012
Recently a small statue of the Buddha was discovered in Berlin. It sounds strange, because it originated from Tibet.
It was part of collection of religious and historical artifacts, collected during a Nazi-expedition in 1938. But what reason did the Germans have to visit “the roof of the world” and its (forbidden) capital, Lhasa.
The expedition was organized and payed for, by an unknown, but important Nazi-Organzation. Founded in 1935 by Heinrich Himmler, the SS-leader, and was named “Ahnenerbe” (legacy of the forefathers). It started as a “think tank”, with ther task to prove the superiority of the Aryan race, to research traditional, Germanic customs and history and to indoctrinate the SS-recrutes and the German population by lectures, pamflets, pagan festivals and symbols. For Heinrich Himmler (and many other leading Nazis) the mythological background was very important. Renewing Germany and empowering its people meant the recovery of a glorious past and founding its supremacy. The Aryan race, former inhabitants of Atlantis, had degenerated and purification was necessary. The powers of the “Ubermensch” would reappear.
This is was, why the Nazis went to Tibet. According to Himmler, survivors of Atlantis lived in the Himalayan mountains. During their travels, the scientists took measures of the local population and made facial masks, to proof their point. But “Ahnenerbe” sponsored several expeditions, all over the world, to collect evidence of Germany's superior past and proof of the task the Germans had, on the road to world supremacy.
Ahnenerbe even performed a trip to Antarctica, which is discussed about, even to this day. The polar surveyor “Schwabenland” had the use of an aeroplane, which flew over an uncharted part of the continent and dropped down Nazi-flags, with a swastika, claiming the area for “das Reich”.(Neuschwabenland) Persistent rumors claim, that Germany had an important base. At the end of the war, top-Nazis (including Adolf Hitler) fled to the south to the secret base. Proof of its existence could be operation “High Jump”. This American navy expedition (4000 men, several ships, a submarine and planes) sailed, under admiral Byrd, shortly after the end of WW2 towards Antarctica. The planes and ships are said to have been attacked by ufo's, coming out of the water. The ufo's carried a swastika! Byrd lost a ship and some planes and retreated to South-America. Admiral Byrd is also known for his flight into the Hollow Earth at the North Pole, where he met “Ancient Masters”. Admiral Byrd is not a reliable witness, though he is a remarkable man. The existence of a Nazi base and a Nazi-ufo alliance is not probable. "Ahnenerbe" tried to obtain a medieval manuscript, a copy of the “Germania”, written by the Roman historian Tacitus. The author wrote extremely positive about the heroism, fighting power and culture of the German opponents of the legions. Mussolini had promised the manuscript in 1936, but did not deliver. The SS also planned the foundation of German settlements in the East. The local population would be deported.
But is was not only archeology, paganism, music, anthropology and exotic expeditions, that kept the staff of “Ahnenerbe” busy. They also studied the weather.
Weather predictions were extremely import. Especially in wartime. Bomber raids, U-boot attacks and land campaigns, all depended on the weather. If it was possible to have correct long-term predictions, the German forces would have an advantage. In the Baltic engineers tried to “take pictures” of Allied ships in the Northern Atlantic and “remote viewing” was practiced to determine the location of convoys. No direct results are known.
Then why was SS-member and director Wolfram Siebers during the Nuremburg trials sentenced to death?
In 1939 the “Institute for Military Scientific Research” was attached to “Ahnenerbe”. Wolfram Siebers was head of this department, which did experiment on human beings in the concentration camp of Dachau. Jews and other prisoners were exposed to extreme cold or heat or to a vacuum. The data were needed by the Luftwaffe, who wanted to know the possible effects to prepare their pilots. New medicines were tested on living humans. To test a new medicine against excessive bleeding, prisoners were deliberately shot or amputated (without anesthesia). This testing went on on during the war. In 1944, special seawater experiments took place.
"Ahnenerbe" collected evidence of Germanic racial superiority. In 1941 Siebers started the collection of 120 Jewish skulls, for scientific research.
Wolfram Siebers was sentenced to death in Nuremberg and hanged on 2 june 1948 in Landsberg prison. A Tibetan ceremony was held over his body. He was the only prominent member of "Ahnenerbe" who received the death penalty. In later trials members of “Ahnenerbe” received relatively light sentences. The scientists, doctors, university professors, anthropologists, archeologists, historians and philosophers active within this SS-department, went silent, slipped out of sight and started rebuilding Germany.
maandag 8 oktober 2012
zondag 7 oktober 2012
attack on New York and Washington on 9//11 2001, took the superpower
completely by surprise. Even Japan had never attacked the main-land,
during WW2 (except with balloons). Intelligence had failed
completely. At first glance. Later on, you had to conclude that the
CIA had neglected the warnings from other secret services.
the Empire strikes back. During the first hour, when the Twin Towers
are burning, the name of Osama Bin Laden is mentioned by a television
reporter (live), soon followed by the names of the hijackers. Later
investigations showed, that at least 5 of them, were still alive,
months after the attack. Identity-theft?
the terrorists, and their captives, nothing remains. Only an oriental
bandana and the ID-card from one of the terrorists, recovered at
Shankley. In the media a heroic story was constructed. The mother,
talking on the phone to her son on a hijacked plane, advices her son
to attack the hijackers. Which he did, resulting in a crash. He was a
real American hero. The side does not look like the place of an
aircrash. Only a small hole in the ground. The debris fitted into
some crates and plastic bags. Was it a plane, that crashed here.
Pentagon was also hit by a commercial jet airliner. Pictures from
shortly after the impact, show a relatively small destroyed area. The
plane has completely disappeared. The problem appears when
yourealise, that an airplane would have caused much more damage and
that parts of it, the Rolls Royce-engines f.i., would have survived.
In stead the whole plane was gone, including the passengers. The
remains of the “plane” were collected by hand. Still the pictures
of video-surveillance camera's, that show the impact, are kept
Pentagon was probably attacked by a missile. Flying the way the
terrost-pilot did, was impossible, experts stated. This is where it
started for me personally. It was through “the Pentagon-attack”,I
thoroughly realized, that I was lied to. And not only about 9/11.
zaterdag 6 oktober 2012
On the 10th of May, 1941 Hitler's “Luftwaffe” bombarded London. This was part a distraction. At the same time a Messerschmidt-fighter departed for another journey. At the wheel, Rudolf Hess, deputy-”Fuhrer” of Nazi-Germany.
The flight had been carefully planned. The plane was converted into a one-seater and it carried extra fuel tanks.
Destination: Glasgow, Scotland. Purpose: to discuss a peace-treaty between England and Germany. In the months before there had been a lot of diplomatic attempts to find peace. The King of Sweden, the King of Spain and even the Vatican tried to get the war faring countries to negotiate peace. Germany seemed willing to settle. It would leave the occupied countries in the West, pay compensation and even accepted a Polish State. Germany in return, wanted their colonies back (Namibia, East-Africa). Every ground for continuing the war would be gone and England's ally the United States, would favor this.
Rudolf Hess was an romantic and he adored Adolf Hitler. He preferred herbal medicine and used astrology, to make decisions. In Hess' entourage were many occultists, magicians and astrologers. Most important was dr. Karl Haushofer, a former officer in the "Kaiserlichen Armee" and diplomat in Japan. His influence led to the Axis, the Union, of Germany, Japan and Italy. Haushofer was a nationalist and believed that Germany had a special destiny. To fulfill this destiny, Germany needed more “Lebensraum”. This “room to live” could be found in the East. The, inferior, Slavic people had to make way for German settlers. This was the most important battle, that would be decisive for the German Empire and the Aryan super race.
Hess flew, undiscovered across the North Sea and he parachuted North of Glasgow. His goal was the estate of Lord Hamilton, who sympathized with a peace treaty and who knew Rudolf Hess, personally.
In this first year of the war, several influential politicians and even royalties wanted to stop the war. On the other hand, the “war-faction”, lead by Winston Churchill, was determined to fight till the end. They were certain, that England would be victorious, if the war lasted long enough. The “war-faction” formed the majority.
Rudolf Hess was greatly influenced by Karl Haushofer. Haushofer had a great influence on Hess' decision to flight to Scotland. He knew Hamilton and in an eye to eye contact, he could determine if the British were genuine in their attempts to find term to end the war.
They were not. Churchill did not want peace. For him the British Empire could only survive, when the German Empire was crushed once and for all. A peace in the West, would lead to a war in the East. When Hess parachuted down, his welcome, was not as he had expected. He was arrested and put into prison. In no way peace-negotiations were held with him.
Hitler called Hess publicly a fool and he denied a peace-treaty in the West. Shortly afterwards Hitler's armies invaded Russia. The war for Haushoffer's “Lebensraum” had begun.
Did Hitler know nothing of the contacts of German ambassadors, diplomats and even Joseph Goebbels. Strangely enough, two days later, three German commando's parachuted down in Scotland. It was a quite desperate plan. The three soldiers had to kidnap an important member of the War-cabinet and exchange him for Rudolf Hess! They did not get far. The strangers were immediately captured and brought to the Tower in London. The three refused to become double-agents, and were shot.
Rudolf Hess spent the rest of his life in jail. Unable to do his account of this intriguing story. Karl Haushofer and his wife survived the war. He knew everything about the peace flight of his friend. He had laid several contacts for the Nazi-leader. The Allies did not bring him to court, but he was used as a witness, during the Nuremberg. It did not get that far. Shortly before his testimony, Karl and his wife committed suicide. But there are severe doubts.
His son Albrecht was arrested after the bomb-attack on Adolf Hitler in 1944. He was thrown into a Berlin prison and executed before the end of the war.
Rudolf Hess spend the rest of his life in the “Spandau prison” in Berlin. In the end, he was the only prisoner. In later years tries were made, to get Hess free. The English and the Soviets did resist adamantly. Hess had to fulfill his sentence and die in prison. When Michael Gorbatsjov became the Soviet prime-minister, their view changed. They seemed willing to let Hess go. It deed not happen. On
August,17, 1987 Hess' male nurse was warned by telephone that something terrible had happened. He ran to the prison gate and had trouble to get in. When he finally got to his cell, Rudolf Hess was dead. According to the official declaration, he had committed suicide. Hess' had strangled himself with electricity cables. This suicide is disputed. According to friends, who saw him regularly, the former Nazi-deputy was physically unable to kill himself. He had to be helped to get up and could not lift his arms anymore, due to arthritis.
The British files about Hess will not get public until 2019. Then more light will be shed on the year 1941. A year in which Germany seemed to want a peace in the West. Germany invaded Russia and almost reached Moscow. The year in which the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and Hitler declared war on the United States. The year, when the second World War started.
vrijdag 5 oktober 2012
Terugkijken: Hoe de Bijlmerramp ontaardde in politieke rompslomp
Vandaag is het precies twintig jaar geleden dat de Bijlmerramp plaatsvond. Screenshot van Andere Tijden. door Jeannine Julen, Binnenland
Vandaag is het precies twintig jaar geleden dat een Boeing 747 zich in twee flats in de Amsterdamse Bijlmer boorde. 43 mensen, onder wie drie bemanningsleden, kwamen om. Vragen rondom de Bijlmerramp wimpelde de politiek zo lang mogelijk af, totdat een parlementair onderzoek onontkoombaar werd.
De minuten voor de ramp
“Going down, going down!”, roept de piloot van het vrachttoestel van de Israëlische maatschappij El Al vlak voor de crash. Het is een laatste poging om contact te leggen met Schiphol, waar het toestel op weg naar toe is. Maar het mag niet baten, want vlak daarna klinkt er vanuit Schiphol: “Het is gebeurd.” De hoorbaar paniekerige, vrouwelijk stem gaat verder: “Eén grote rookwolk boven de stad.”Andere Tijden blikt terug op de gebeurtenissen:
Onverklaarbare gezondheidsklachten
De Bijlmerramp is wellicht de grootste vliegtuigramp op Nederlandse bodem. De grote brokstukken, twee gehavende flatgebouwen en een enorme vuurzee zijn beelden die in het geheugen van veel Nederlanders staan gegrift. En hoewel de schok groot was, was de politieke onrust rondom de kwestie in de jaren erna niet veel minder groot. Het begon toen omwonenden van de getroffen flats zich meldden bij artsen met onverklaarbare gezondheidsklachten. Mogelijk als gevolg van de ramp.Onbeantwoorde vragen en complottheorieën
Wat vervoerde het vliegtuig? Waren het giftige stoffen? Bewoners wilden het weten van maatschappij El Al, de gemeente, de regering. Maar antwoorden bleven uit. De nationale politiek bemoeide zich er in eerste instantie niet mee, want “het was een zaak van de gemeente Amsterdam”, werd er gesteld. Geruststellende mededelingen moesten bezorgde Bijlmerbewoners sussen, maar de onrust nam toe.Complottheorieën schoten als paddenstoelen uit de grond. Het Israëlische vrachttoestel vervoerde uranium, mannen in witte pakken waren ingehuurd om giftige stoffen te verdoezelen en zo waren er meer theorieën. De politiek zwichtte en in 1998, zes jaar na de ramp, kwam er dan eindelijk een parlementair onderzoek.
De onderzoekscommissie concludeert dat er geen giftige stoffen aan boord van het toestel waren. Wel toonde een medisch onderzoek aan dat mogelijk achttien gevallen van auto-immuunziekten bij bewoners in verband kunnen worden gebracht met de Bijlmerramp, meldt NOS. Andere Tijden sprak met de betrokkenen.
donderdag 4 oktober 2012
Auf den Trümmern des Römischen Imperiums schufen sie das germanische Großreich der Franken: die Könige der Merowinger. 300 Jahre prägte das auf den legendären König Merowech zurückgehende Herrschergeschlecht die Geschichte Europas - eine Epoche, geprägt von Gewalt, Zivilisationsverlust und erbittertem Kampf um fruchtbares Land.
woensdag 3 oktober 2012
Atlantis and NAZI Archeology

dinsdag 2 oktober 2012
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