zondag 16 maart 2014

I am the teacher, responsible for the first year of your education. My goal is to make you forget everything.” He looked to the students. “Why Sir?”, one of the older boys, asked. “Because I say so. The first lesson for you today is: don't ask stupid questions. Everything I say, I have said many times before, and with a purpose. We have only one year to turn your world around and for you to survive the process. after that, you may ask why.”
He was called “The Crazy Monk”. No one knew his real name, though he was known by many. He was the prominent teacher at the Situ Academy. A big name for a small enterprise, with promised survivaltactics and -techniques for the End of Times. The Master was Head of the Education Department, a big word for his office, and the Crazy Monk was his assistant. A long time ago, while experimenting with drugs, he had experienced a long bad trip. From that moment everybody called him crazy. He was forced to leave the occupation he loved most: being a teacher. From that moment on he lived more and more as an outsider. Wandering from town to town; from lunatic asylum to lunatic asylum. Until 9/11, the attack on the Twin Towers. He watched the pictures over and over again. “The world has changed for good. We are heading towards a global catastrophy.” And even though he was right, nobody listened to him. Being crazy, you know.
The big-city life tore him apart. He became oversensitive to the noises and the thoughts, which dominated the city.
The moment the door to his apartment was blown up on New Year-morning, was decisive. He saw things getting worse. The hectic frenzy, the noises, the violence, the rudeness of the people, the gasses, the manipulation and deceit; those were the causes of his craze; not the other way around.
I have to get out of here.”, he thought, when he saw the result of the firecrackers. The terror of the local youth was , seemingly unstoppable, rising and getting more and more intensive. Police, local government, welfare organizations had no positive effect at all. Though he was not afraid to fight, he realized that he shouldn't start a war, he could not win. Back in his study he stared to the map of Holland for a while. Where to go. Back to his hometown would turn surely turn into a disaster. Next best would be a far corner of the Netherlands. He decided to go to the seaside and as far away from the major cities as possible. Which he did.
A lucky choice after all.

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