woensdag 19 maart 2014

Dear friends,

Hunted by a boat 3 times their size, shot by exploding harpoons and fighting for their life while the water around them turns red - this is exactly what will happen to 800 endangered Icelandic fin whales, if we don’t get Obama to stop importing any products linked to the whalers. Sign now and forward this email!

Hunted by a boat 3 times their size, shot by exploding harpoons and fighting for their life while the water around them turns red - this is exactly what will continue to happen to hundreds of endangered Icelandic fin whales unless we seize the chance to stop this bloody business now!

The US government just declared, that Iceland’s whaling plan is threatening this endangered species and Obama’s final deadline to decide on action is just 2 weeks away. Just one Icelandic tycoon, Kristjan Loftsson, owns the whaling fleet and also runs a huge seafood company that exports their produce to the United States. Obama can easily ban their products in the US -- hitting the whalers where it hurts and end the massacre once and for all.
Let’s act fast and make sure Obama saves the 800 fin whales from Icelandic harpoons. As soon as we reach 1 million, Avaaz will deliver the petition with gigantic inflatable whales right in front of the White House:


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