maandag 4 november 2013

HISTORY of the End of the World 8

It was El, who broke the spell, which had taken possession of the room, by pouring water into their glasses. The Master nodded and took a sip. “Let me tell you something more about the cards.”

Laura had been waiting for those words. She looked around and absorbed the study. It was full of strange objects, statues, books and paintings. Atlantis was written all over the place, though no-one had mentioned this old and mistrusted name. Laura felt quiet and opened up to receive more intriguing info.

There was no doubt in her mind, that her two companions were honest to her and speaking the truth. For her Atlantis and the myths and mysteries had been a deep vibrating call from childhood. It had dominated her thoughts from early childhood and driven her all around the globe. And finally it had brought her here. On the edge of almost nothing and opposite a man, she immediately knew, would be her future teacher and a woman, who radiated positive energy and would be a friend for life.

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