zaterdag 9 november 2013

HISTORY of the End of the World – 9

Nano-technology.”, Laura whispered. The Master nodded. “Yes but very advanced and multi-dimensional. These cards are intelligent and potentially dangerous, even lethal.” He grienned. “In the wrong hands of course. They reprogram themselves, adapt and have strong tendency to stick together. If a card is stolen or lost, it wants to return to the deck, the pack so to say. It manipulates reality to reach that goal. This potential has proven itself again.” During the Master talking, he let the cards glide through his fingers and Laura, and probably El too, felt the tension rising. In a flash, she realised that the Master was talking to the cards, seemingly without words, and the cards were answering by flashes, sounds and animations. Probably more. Things she could not understand, yet.

Some of these cards are only a few molecules thick, but they give access to multiple dimensions. They can be used for storage, many magicians used this trick, or for exploration. You have the possibility to use the famous library of Alexandria, see the early cave-paintings or almost touch the Hopi Prophesy Stone.”

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