zaterdag 15 maart 2014

History, at least the history were are presented as factual, is a political and ideological construct. Its main purpose is to keep persons/classes/nations indoctrinated and brainwash about their roots and possibilities. Historians still preach, that civilization as we know it, started in Iraq about 6000 years ago. Babylon, Egypt, Persia, the Greek and Romans followed (compare with Daniel: Nebukadnezhar's dream). This history shows the immense constructs, they build and the cities, which they decorated and painted and made it a pleasure to live in (hot/cold water, flushing toilets, restaurants and libraries). Many people say and believe, that the pyramids, Angkor Wat and Chitzen Itza were build with the help of alien gods and under divine guidance.
This is a mind frame, that ignores the possibilities of mankind. The pyramids were build by people, supported by human architects and masons. Their interaction with the world was completely different, then ours. They still were connected with Gaya and could use the different levels of existence/energy to create an amazing world. These cultures generated architects, philosophers, artists, prophets, musicians, astronomers, writers, theologian and poets.
In the course of the millennia we see a process of decline. Modern scientists blow up  and destroy things to find something new or just rearrange numbers and statistics, completely alienated from reality. Our capabilities fade away or are deliberately marginalized. “History is written by the victors.”, Napoleon said. Anomalies in historical research are driven into anonymity. The first official human settlements date from around 6/7000 years BC. There is considerable doubt about this timeline. My teacher told me, that history is connected with water levels. “Much of our past is hidden beneath the waters.” And he was true. Near the Eastern Coast of India, two submerged cities are found. One of which is supposedly the city of Krishna, Dwarka. Many artifacts, houses, palaces and harbors are found. When carbon dated, the findings stunned the scientists. Dwarka was 30.000 years old. The same happened in Mexico. The mainstream archeology accepts, that America was colonized from Russia, over the 'Bering strait” to Alaska. This happened relatively late (10/15.000 years ago; the end of the last ice-age). The proto-Indians moved southward and reached Mexico and South-America. Here they started a series of phenomenal cultures and civilizations (Olmec, Mayan, Anastasi, Aztec, Inca), that started about 8000 years ago. The whole of Meso- and South-America is littered with pyramids, temples and monuments. The Spaniards were surprised about the level of organization and technology these “barbarians” possessed. They lived in model and most of all, clean cities. Artists used platinum in their products, a level the Spaniards had not reached.
In the last century an American university-professor was digging in Mexico. She thought to have found an very early settlement of Indian-settlers. When the carbon-dating results arrived, everybody was startled. The artifacts were 250.000 years old. The find of a lifetime. When she published her findings, something strange happened. Her paper was ignored, the site was closed and she lost her job at the universities. Official science is a construct, just a tool. A tool, that is contaminated and distorted There are many more. Thinking f.i. Educating your self and start to use your potential (not necessarily your brain). Do you want to live like a mushroom? It's predictable, nice and warm.You will always have enough to eat, but will be kept completely in the dark (for ever).

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