zaterdag 15 maart 2014

Welcome to the “SiTU Academy”, that's the name I found during my morning meditation. It will be an open Academy, that strives to connect everything with everything in a respectful and positive way. We will provide you with the dots and the connections. At the SiTU Academy we will train your brain. We will  provide you with the basic tools to analyze your world and survive.
Through education and religion everybody is indoctrinated and brainwashed to perform a certain role before being digested. You have to remember, that we are INSIDE something, like Jonah in the whale and to survive, we have to get out. Some succeeded (the Buddha's, Jesus), but did not return.
Omniversity offers possibilities to discover (parts of) the reality levels, that make up this reality and their interaction. They say, that the wings of a butterfly are the beginning of a storm in Mexico. That's true. But what if you kill the butterfly. Your action will lead to something completely different. This insight is fundamental. Students have to learn the effect of their actions. Different tools lead to a diverse and broad perception of the world around us. Analysis will lead to different counter strategies and methods to protect and defend “good” against the holocaust economy, global militarism, alien media and corporations.
We have to admit, that we are opposing a powerful enemy. They use all the science and technology to keep us down. Their propaganda machine is bombarding us daily and fill our heads with false images, like the breasts of the Duchess of Cambridge. Submit, you know where to find me.

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