dinsdag 12 november 2013

HISTORY of the End of the World 11

The Master gestured the two young women to pick up a card. When she touched the card, she immediately felt the energy levels, emitted from the ID-side.

But the other side was blank!

Laura looked at El and saw that see too looked at the “empty” side of the card. No markers, images or symbols. Nothing.

When she looked up, she saw the Master smile.

I will give you the opportunity to program your own card. Take very good care of it! Some people would commit murder, to gain a card like that. They are rare.

When we get more and more connected and your card is getting personal, it will show you one of its capacities, to communicate directly. Go now and meditate on the card and it will start telling you things.”

Laura and El sat there, confused and stunned. To Laura it sounded like magic and alien technology to her, on the other hand the feeling that it might work, grew.

A complete new world had been opened to her tonight. She felt that even El, who had been at this Academy much longer, looked in wonder at the card, she held in her hand. El rose and greeted the Master. Laura mirrored her moves and followed her to the door .

Practise the rest of the day. We will meet tomorrow.” the Master said, before they closed the door behind them. Both felt, they were entering another world.”

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