donderdag 14 november 2013

HISTORY of the End of The World 13

Commander Orlov sighed and rubbed his eyes. The last couple of months had become a bee-hive of all kind of technicians, specialists, explorers and Imperial scientists, who were in some way or another attached to the project “Earth”, a harvesting expedition in name of the Galactic Empire. This planet, who was dominated by a deathwish, had become unstable. From 1945 to now, the destructive capacities of their nuclear and conventional had grown so big, that earth and everything on it could be blown to pieces several times over. This would have disastrous effect on the solar system and beyond. At the same time one of the most unique, colourful and dynamic environments would be gone for ever. That's wat harvesting is all about. The precious commodities, species, bacteria, minerals, DNA, energy and so on. And humans, some, would be raptured. The planet would be cleaned of anything technological and explosive. Presumably this future paradise would become the new Impirial huntinggrounds after the explosive end of the former one.

From the mothership the hand of the Galactic Empire reach into almost every household, climatic changes were enhanced, with a growing amount of natural disasters. Destabilization and disrupture of communication and global distribution.

Still the global turbulence was not put in the right context and the government claimed that everything was under control. Which it was not.

Orlov's attention was drawn to an incoming memo. Psy-op teams monitored all communication and analyzed it to see if humans were aware of what was happening. Some did, but they were ridiculed and marginalized. His personal assistant, had marked it as “interesting, level 3”. He started the tape and was stunned after a second. On the screen, he saw Jian, the crazy monk, being interviewed and explaining exactly what was happening.

This should not be possible! Jian should be far far away in space/time: stuck in history.

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